Friday, October 23, 2009

Update Oct. 24 -2009 Pro Or Con "Raw Food Diet" For Weight Loss" By Health Experts

The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.

Recommended Reading

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Eating For Energy - Raw Food Diets
By Matt Hoffer

An increasingly popular form of dieting today is the raw food diet. The raw food diet mainly consists of raw fruits and vegetables as well as fresh juices. Other foods like seeds, grains, and nuts are good for this the diet as well as seaweed. These foods must be organic and/or whole foods for the diet to provide it's full health benefits. There are many benefits to partaking of a raw food diet that will improve the health of your body and mind. The most important is the principle that eating for energy is key to maintaining heath.

When cooking above one hundred and sixteen degrees, enzymes inside of the food start to break down and are destroyed. When eating a raw food diet you do not lose these enzymes that help you to make the best use of the nutrients they contain. Raw foods also retain a higher nutritional value compared to cooked foods. Foods that are cooked at temperatures above one hundred and sixteen degrees do not only lose enzymes, they much of their nutrient content.

There are many methods to cook raw foods and have them retain all of the things healthy for you. By using a blender, you can make many different shakes, smoothies and drinks from fruits and vegetables. You can find different blender recipes on the internet, in books or even on TV that will give you a spectacular taste.

Another way to add to your raw food diet is to employ a juicer. These appliances will turn fruit or vegetable into juices. Many fruit juices like orange and pomegranate juices are very healthy for you. There are many vegetables that are great tasting and great for you in a juice form, especially if you want an immediate high source of fiber.

You can purchase dried fruits at a local store. Dried fruits are a great addition to the raw food diet. These are not only tasty and sweet but are still packed full of vitamins and make a great snack.

Dehydration is another option for cooking when on the raw food diet. By dehydrating fruits and vegetables in a dehydrator, you can make many different recipes. Most people like seaweed once it is prepared by dehydrating it. Not only does it have an exotic flavor but can give you many important nutrients.

A thing to keep in mind is that with all the different methods to cook raw foods most of the recipes you make you will make from scratch. There are not prepackaged raw food diet packs that you can buy. This is mainly your responsibility to pick how and what you make. You will have to choose between recipes that you like and ones you do not but there are many raw food diet recipes and cookbooks.

There are many pluses to going on the raw food diet but there can some side effects as well. If you were a person that had meat in their diet along with junk food, you might experience a detoxifying effect as you begin a raw food regimen. As these toxins leave your body, you might have some stomachaches or headaches. Nevertheless, these are very mild and are not a serious medical problem. Your body just needs to readjust.

However, the plusses to eating for energy and starting on a raw food diet include reduced risks of cancer, diabetes and heart problems, weight loss, healthier skin and a general sense of well being. So, if you are looking to eat healthier or lose weight why not give the raw foods diet a try?

Matt Hoffer is a raw food enthusiast who used to suffer from low energy until he got interested in raw foods. To discover how to create more energy by eating a diet full of raw superfoods, follow Matt's lead. For more information on how to go raw, visit:

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Recommended Reading
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

The Raw Food Diet
By Jennifer Hughs

The Raw food diet is easy and effective. It not only works to lose weight, however, it improves your health. This diet helps you feel energized. The theory behind the diet is that a large part of cooked food turns into fat production, because heat and acid change it, making it un-metabolizable in other complex processes. On the other hand, raw food should break down into components which can be directly metabolized in a variety of cells.

In the Raw food diet your intake is based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods. When you heat foods above one hundred and sixteen degrees Fahrenheit, you are destroying enzymes in food that can assist in the digestion and absorption of food. It also is thought that when one cooks food, you are diminishing the nutritional value of food.

The diet is almost all living or raw foods. The Raw food diet is great because there are numerous health benefits. It not only increases your energy, but it improves your skin appearance, betters your digestion, improves your weight loss, and reduces your risk of heart disease. Unlike other diets, the raw food diet contains less trans fat and saturated fat. It also is low in sodium, high in potassium.

So, are you wondering what you can eat? The answer is anything unprocessed, preferably organic, whole foods such as: fruit, vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, grains, beans, dried fruit, seaweed, legumes, dried fruit, unprocessed organic or natural foods, freshly juiced fruit and vegetables, purified water, and young coconut milk. Delicious!

If you are interested in some good preparation techniques, you could: Sprout seeds grains and beans, juice vegetables and fruit, soak nuts and dried fruit, blend your foods, or dehydrate your foods.

Start your raw food diet today! I have provided for you a sample meal plan, but of course your personal meal choices can and should vary.

BREAKFAST: Fresh fruit salad topped with almonds and pumpkin seeds; and a side of coconut milk.

LUNCH: Salad with veggies, sprouted lentils, seed cheese and olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing.

DINNER: Raw vegetables blended to a soup, half an avocado, fruit and sun tea.

Raw foods add fiber to your diet and assist in optimum colon health. Using an herbal colon cleanser like Co-Clean will also improve colon health by promoting increased energy, improved concentration, clearer sinuses, clearer skin and weight loss as the backed up toxins are purged from the digestive system.

Jennifer Hughs

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Recommended Reading
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health
Raw Food Diet - How it Affects a Person's Fertility With YANG Constitution in TCM Perspective
By Kyle J Norton

I. Introduction
A. What is a typical American raw food diet
The raw food diet is defined as a type of diet of which at least 75% of the daily diet must be unprocessed and uncooked foods or foods can not be heating above 115 degree of Fahrenheit or 40 C, including fresh fruit and vegetables and raw meats. A typical American raw food diet contains mostly yin and dampness pathogen, including mostly raw fruits, vegetables and nuts and seeds.

B. What is a person with yang constitution
According to traditional Chinese medicine, yang constitution is genetic passing through pattern which you inherited from either one of your parent. It represents in the deep layer in your body. A person with yang constitution tend to have
1. Red tongue
2. Red face
3. Constipation
4. Dense menstrual flow
5. Nightmare
6. Prefer cooler drink.
7. Etc

II. How raw foods affect fertility
A person with yang constitution may initially benefit from raw foods diet. Since the body is slightly yang excessive, raw foods help to reduce the yang, thus balancing the yin and yang imbalance. But over a prolong period of raw foods intake, it will cause yang qi imbalance, although, it is not severe than a person with yin constitution.

1. Spleen
Spleen is considered as an organ in aiding the digestive system in absorbing vital nutrients and convert them to energy for the body's need. Although person with yang constitution may take longer and symptoms may not be as severe as a person with yin constitution, but over a prolong period of time in taking raw food diet, it causes dysfunction of spleen in foods digestion, leading to nutrients deficiency of which triggers the primitive brain function in diverting blood aways from the reproductive organ for energy conversation.

2. Liver
According to traditional Chinese medicine, people with yang constitution can benefit from taking a large amount of raw foods everyday to balance the excessive yang constitution in the body. But unfortunately, prolong period of raw diet deplete the yang constitution, leading to yang deficiency. While spleen is damaged due to prolong intake of raw foods, it interferes with liver function in blood transformation, leading to insufficient blood that required to support our body' daily activity, causing irregular menstruation and weakening the reproductive organs in perform their function in conception depending how much raw food intake.

3. Blood deficiency
As liver is no longer function as it should be, caused by spleen abnormal function in absorbing nutrients to nourish the production of blood, leading to blood deficiency that triggers the brain primitive reaction from diverting the blood away from the reproductive organs, leading to irregular menstruation. in severe case, it causes absence of period, affecting fertility in women and reducing the sperm quality and quantity in men.

4. Blood and qi stagnation
Since raw foods are considered as dampness pathogen, it impairs the spleen function in controlling the interior damp-cold, resulting in qi and blood stagnation, leading to delay menstruation and menstrual pain and cramps.

5. Kidney Yang deficiency
Kidney is considered as an organ helping to moisten, nourish the organs and tissues. Prolong intake of raw foods may decrease the yang qi in the kidney, leading to symptoms of fluid retention, that interferes with function of lung in absorbing enough oxygen for our body, causing nervous tension such as fatigue, tiredness and loss of memory and reducing the production of progesterone and testosterone, leading to lower sperm count in men and abnormal in the yang phrase in women menstrual cycle.

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All articles By Kyle J. Norton Are For Information and Education Only, Please Consult With Your Doctor or Related Field Specialist Before Applying.

All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.
"Let You Be With Your Health, Let Your Health Be With You" Kyle J. Norton
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics and BA in world literature, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries. Part time Health, Insurance and Entertainment Article Writer.Part time Health, Insurance and Entertainment Article Writer.

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Update Oct. 11 -2009 Pro Or Con "Raw Food Diet" For Weight Loss" By Health Experts

The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.

Recommended Reading

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Free Raw Food Recipe - Best Blueberry Or Blackberry Pie Raw Recipe
By Helen Hecker Platinum Quality Author

If you're looking for a healthy alternative to cooked berry pies or even cooked desserts that are laden with unhealthy fats and sugars, why not try my live-food, free, easy, raw berry pie recipe. Many people are gradually making the switch from cooked desserts and cooked foods which are causing so many of our health problems today. It doesn't matter if you're a raw fooder or eat the standard American diet; you'll love this raw berry pie recipe and know that you're doing your body good in the process.

In fact making a raw berry pie does not require turning on the oven and can be made in virtually minutes. I have often timed myself and can make this pie in ten minutes or less if the ingredients are assembled. Equipment: food processor.

This is my own creation, one of many vegetarian, vegan and raw food recipes that I have developed and created over the past few years as a raw fooder - eating raw foods, having cured myself of breast cancer, fibromyalgia, arthritis and sinus infections along with many other ailments.

You can use the pie crust for dozens of other types of raw food recipes or live pies including raw or live apple pie. I've experimented with dozens of variations and tried various ingredients but I've found this raw blackberry or blueberry pie recipe is the best, fastest and easiest recipe to make. In fact if you're going to have company coming over you can whip this free raw food diet recipe up in no time.

Helen's Best Raw Berry Pie - the ingredients: 12 organic medjool dates, 1 cup raw pecans, 4 cups fresh or frozen blueberries, blackberries or boysenberries and 2 bananas.

For the crust put 1 cup of raw pecans in a food processor and grind until fine. Add 8 pitted organic medjool dates and process until mixed fairly well. Place into a 9-inch pie plate.

For the binder mix two bananas, 8 berries or so for color and 4 medjool dates in a food processor - use the same food processor - don't need to wash it. Remove to large bowl and carefully fold in 4 cups of fresh or frozen or partially frozen blueberries, boysenberries or blackberries. Spread berry-binder mixture on top of the crust. Decorate with boysenberries or blackberries around the edge of the pie. Refrigerate.

This live or raw berry pie is a family favorite and one I have served on many occasions to company who are not aware they are eating something healthy containing all the vibrant nutrients - nothing cooked out.

This pie is really good with boysenberries too. You can also slice some fresh kiwi on the top or other fruits that won't turn color.

One nice thing to know about fixing any raw food recipe is that you can eliminate, substitute or add ingredients easily and it will still taste delicious! In this vegan or raw food diet recipe - you may only have one banana on hand for example or you can make half the recipe. You can substitute the pecans for a mixture of one half cup pecans and one half cup walnuts, or all walnuts.

If you live in an area where you have tons of wild blackberries you can make this pie for pennies. Pick blueberries cheaply in the summer and freeze them for year-round use, although fresh berries are always the best. You can make raw berry pies with this free raw food recipe year-round and you'll feel good too knowing you have served your friends and family something that will help them better their health and help them lose weight if they need to too.

For my raw food diet cure and secrets - how I used it to help cure my breast cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, acid reflux-digestive, sleep issues, headaches, pain, weight loss, etc. see a nurse/raw food expert's and my easy raw food recipes

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Recommended Reading
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Easy Healthy Raw Food Recipes
By Anna Dean Platinum Quality Author

Healthy raw food is the best way to maintain your health and life. Every time someone suffers from a major health issue in their life they are immediately asked to go back to eating raw food, the question is - if raw food is so good for a diseased body, why shouldn't it be taken early on? The fact is that raw food is very high in vitamins, minerals and yes even protein.

A common complain that people starting into raw vegan food is that it is so time consuming and complicated. Let me make this very clear, it is not! How can it be time consuming when you are not even cooking anything? Quite to the contrary, raw vegan food recipes and very simple and can be made even by 6 year old. Probably the biggest advantage that you get by eating this kind of food is that it keeps the level of fiber in your body at an optimal rate. This is simply too important for your digestive system and also for maintaining your energy level always at a high.

Healthy raw, vegan food recipes also help you conquer obesity, heart problems and asthma, apart from heart burns, gastritis, and constipation which are all too common in a cooked food diet.

While starting out on a vegan food diet you can try one of the many books available online which offer a lot of delicious raw food recipes to start out with. These books are written by experienced health coaches and fitness professionals who had witnessed amazing changes in their life after they switched onto a vegan food diet.

Raw food has remained way too underrated however eating raw vegan food is becoming more and more popular these days as it is the most healthiest choice of foods available. Raw food is both delicious and incredibly nutritious. Try some raw recipes and see the difference it makes!

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Recommended Reading
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Raw Food Diet Testimonials - Get the Secrets of Having More Energy
By Marjorie Salada Platinum Quality Author

The internet is full of raw food diet testimonials and for good reason. The raw food diet is one of the healthiest diets that a person can follow. Not only will it get you to a healthy weight, it will help your body reduce its cravings for sugar and increase its energy level.

As much as we hate to admit it, a great many of the convenience foods that are consumed today are loaded with toxins from being processed. Most of us are used to eating these foods can tolerate the way they make us feel. But, we also realize that the closer you can get anything to its natural state, the better it is for our bodies and this is especially true of food.

The raw food diet is loaded with uncooked fruits and vegetables. It is the protein part of the diet that becomes tricky, since most of the food items high in protein are meats and dairy products. Tofu, nuts, seeds and beans are good sources of protein that are not meat or dairy products.

I don't consider this one of the easiest food plans to follow, but if you suffer from sugar cravings this is the diet for you. Even if you can follow this diet for 2-3 weeks to jump start your weight loss, you realize the benefits from eating raw foods. The experts say that they follow the raw food diet plan about 80% of the time. While the program is extremely healthy and you see marked improvement in your energy level and the way that feel, it is quite rigid when it comes to enjoying the foods that you love.

Personally, I feel that any weight loss plan that eliminates foods is setting you up for failure. Nobody wants to eliminate foods completely, especially if it a food that you enjoy.

Are you ready to change you life and lose 10, 20 or even 50 pounds? If you are ready to increase your energy and find a new way of living, the raw food diet can help you do all these things. You will see the benefits if you can stick with this food plan for just two weeks.

Discover how these controversial raw food secrets to losing weight, having more energy, looking younger, and reclaiming your health can get you out of the rut that many of us have been in for years. This diet is not complicated and does not take a great deal of preparation. Get started today and see how much better you will feel by tomorrow! There is nothing better than having the energy to get through the day and the temperament to deal with every situation that is handed to you. The raw food diet can help you reach these goals.