Thursday, August 20, 2009

Update August 20 -2009 Pro Or Con "Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss" By Health Experts

The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
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and Reclaiming Your Health

Raw Food - A Diet For the Lazy Man
By Swayze Foster Platinum Quality Author

Here is a comment that was recently left on a former post about mono-fruit meals.

I am lazy and started doing fruit meals from the beginning! I have never been into cooking recipes. So I got into raw foods and eating mostly fruit instinctively. ~ Annalise

I can certainly relate to this. When I ate a cooked vegan diet, I always HATED spending hours in the kitchen preparing meals. Or making a second trip to the supermarket because I forgot some essential ingredient for a dish the first time around. Or having to plan my "healthy" meals days in advance. Or...the list goes on and on.

That's why I was so excited about the raw food diet. "Eating foods in their raw states," I thought. "What could be more simple than that?"

Little did I know that the world of "gourmet raw" wasn't any better than cooked vegan! I still spent hours in the kitchen, only now I was just chopping vegetables. I still had to make numerous trips to various health food stores in the hopes of finding "necessary" special ingredients. And I still had to plan everything well in advance, so as not to waste anything or end up without enough food.

And at least my cooked meals actually tasted good! Raw meatloaf and "sun" thanks.

A Diet for the Lazy Man

Luckily, I quickly came across a raw food diet that truly satisfies the couch potato inside of me. And as crazy as it sounds, this is the absolute *healthiest* and most *nutritious* diet you can find!

And which diet is this? Why, the low fat raw vegan diet, of course! That means all the sweet fruit you can eat, moderate greens and non-sweet fruits, and limited fats. That's it!

When I found out that I could literally grab a bunch of bananas and chow down, I couldn't believe it. And what if I wanted something a little more fancy? No problem! A simple yet satisfying fruit salad, green smoothie, savory salsa or raw pasta could be prepared in just minutes!

This meant no more extra time in the kitchen and no more desperate searches at the supermarket! While I still plan my meals, and recommend that you do the same, it's extremely simple. Since I know how much food I need in a given day and the ripening times of the various foods that I eat, all that is required is to make sure that I buy enough when I go shopping. That's all there is to it!

And best of all? I have more energy on this super simple lazy man's raw diet than on any other program I've ever tried! And because I'm not slaving away in front of a hot stove (or tepid dehydrator, for that matter), I can use that new-found energy for things that I truly enjoy.

What's That, You Say?

A raw diet of mostly fruit is just *too* simple, right? There is just *no way* a person can survive long term on such a diet, huh?

WRONG! Not only are people surviving on a high fruit, low fat raw vegan diet, they are thriving (myself included)! If you don't believe me, take a gander at 30 Bananas a Day. It's a forum specifically for low fat raw vegans and boasts over 1000 members!

If you are *still* skeptical, try it out for yourself! You have nothing to lose from giving a healthy raw vegan diet a go. Cooked foods will still be there if you wish to return to them.

So what's stopping you? Grab some bananas and give the low fat fruity raw way a try! :D

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

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and Reclaiming Your Health

How Does the Raw Food Diet Work? Nurse's Guide
By Helen Hecker Platinum Quality Author

If you've been hearing more and more lately about raw foods and the raw food diet and are wondering how it works, this article will give you a basic idea of how it works.

I first became familiar with raw food diets after I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999. I was also suffering from a lot of ailments including fibromyalgia, arthritis, sinus infections, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome and much more. I had been hospitalized with pneumonia, had strep throat and on and on. So my immune system was not in good shape.

Turning down conventional therapy, that is - no chemo, radiation or surgery or any drugs or medications, I turned to raw foods. I developed my own diet based on reading what many others were doing who were eating a raw food diet.

It is really very simple. The diet consists of fruits, vegetable, nuts and seeds - that's it. And none of it cooked. It may sound sparse but it is nothing but. I can make dozens of recipes using nuts and seeds along with various fruits and veggies and all sorts of combinations of these. The rewards are great. For me, no more breast cancer and all my other ailments went away and I'm still in perfect health today, enjoy tremendous energy and just feel good all the time. I only need five hours sleep a night and take no medications. I am physically active too and thin.

If you're thinking about the raw food diet for weight loss, it's the best way to lose weight. You won't be starving yourself because you can eat as much as you want to eat of those four food groups. Weight drops off fast and I virtually lost weight almost overnight of about ten pounds. It stays off too because you really adopt the raw food diet as a lifestyle once you start. Although I eat 100% raw, of course you can choose to eat 75% to 80% raw and still benefit. Or eating any amount of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds is going to help boost your immune system, fight off colds, the flu, ailments and diseases.

And you don't have to sign up for any expensive weight loss programs. Once you get going and start learning the ropes you'll find you enjoy eating more simply and will still be able to putter in the kitchen and make fabulous recipes. And your guests won't have any idea that the food they're eating is healthy.

So give the raw food diet a try. You can design your own by studying what others are eating and there are lots of raw ebooks and books available on the subject. Like me you'll be glad you did.

For my raw food diet cure and secrets - how I used it to help cure my breast cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, acid reflux-digestive, sleep issues, headaches, pain, weight loss, etc. see a nurse/raw food expert's and my easy raw food recipes

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
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