Monday, July 27, 2009

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss

The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
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How a Raw Food Diet For Dogs Stops Health Problems Period

By Dan J Scott Platinum Quality Author

There are very few things that make sense in the world but a raw food diet for dogs is a concept that definitely makes sense from top to bottom. It is common knowledge what a lousy diet will do to the human body and many are finding that the same is true for our canine companions. The regular consumption of a nutrition source that is anything but wholesome means a dog's health will eventually fall into decline and even into a state of disease. Whether bagged or canned, the chemical laden commercial dog foods that most pets eat will often lead to a build up of toxins and the depletion of necessary vitamins and minerals. This means a canine's various systems have little or no way to restore themselves from daily wear and tear.

In addition to additives from the cooking process of rendered pet food, there are other dangers lurking as well. It has been found that dead, diseased, disabled and dying animals utilized for pet foods can leave a deadly chemical footprint. Dr. Wendell O. Bellfield DVM has stated that, "Some of these dead pets -- those euthanized by veterinarians -- already contain pentobarbital before treatment with the denaturing process. According to University of Minnesota researchers, the sodium pentobarbital used to euthanize pets "survives rendering without undergoing degradation."

This means whether maladies show up in the eyes, kidneys or skin, pets are being dosed up with even more chemicals despite an already polluted system. Even with a slight improvement in the dog's condition, the toxins will still have no place to go thereby causing another allergy flare up or what is seen as a relapse. This often frustrates dog owners to no end who misguidedly allow their dog to be given an even higher dosage of medication. With no special additives, preservatives or chemicals, a raw food diet for dogs detoxes a battered system, slowly ridding it of hurtful additives.

The only way to get a suffering dog well is to give it what it truly needs. The enzymes in a raw food diet for dogs are what transports nutrients to different organ systems to begin repair. The diet is essentially not only food but a natural medicine every carnivore's system has been built around for millions of years. With the proper nutrients to restore nerve cells, skin, hair and eyes, it is easy to see a remarkable transformation in a sick dog in a matter of weeks. Not only do their physical features become healthier looking, their temperament improves as well. It is not uncommon for a dog owner to see a vitality they didn't even know existed in their furry friend.

With the regular use of a raw food diet for dogs, a canine system can finally get the nutrients it has been craving. The dog's system will know exactly how to assimilate all the necessary vitamins and minerals from not only meats and tissues but skin, bone and cartilage. Over a period of weeks, the last of the trapped chemicals will be excreted through the skin and waste. With nothing left to aggravate and damage the dog's systems, the immune system can be restored to its original balance. Diarrhea, ear infections, arthritis, periodontal problems, anal gland blockages, hotspots and many other signs of sickness up and disappear rarely if ever to be heard from ever again.

Dan Scott author of "Real Food for Dogs" has lived, trained, studied, worked and very much loved dogs for over 43 years. His burning passion for Canine Nutrition - "what your dog eats" through research and practice of natural diets for dogs is helping people the world over to have a healthy dog for life.

For a wealth of information and videos go to and sign up for the free controversial report.

(c) Copyright - Dan Scott. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
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The Truth About a High Fat Raw Food Diet
By Swayze Foster Platinum Quality Author

What if I came to you and said,

"I have the absolute best diet in the world. You will lose weight, you will have more energy, and you will prevent and even reverse any and all diseases. AND you get to eat 60% OR MORE of your calories from fat!"

You would probably a) laugh in my face, b) turn and run, or c) ask if I was a raw foodist.

That's right, folks. The average raw foodist eats 60% of his or her calories from fat! That's over HALF of one's daily calories, all from fat!

Are you surprised? I know I sure was when I went raw. I could not believe that there were people actually promoting a high fat diet when all the evidence for a healthy diet pointed to the exact opposite!

So why are so many raw foodists eating so much fatty foods? What it boils down to is the "If It's Raw, It's Healthy" fallacy.

If It's Raw, It's Healthy

Many raw foodists will argue that raw fats are much healthier than cooked fats and do not result in such problems as heart disease and atherosclerosis. As long as it's raw, you can eat as much avocado, nuts, and seeds as you want.

Yes, it's true that raw fats are much better than cooked fats. Cooked fatty foods have had the majority of the water removed and many necessary micronutrients along with that water (not to mention all the nutrients that are destroyed by the heat alone).

Once fats are cooked, they quickly go rancid and produce harmful carcinogens. The more oxygen that these foods come into contact with, the more rancid they become and the more dangerous carcinogens they produce.

The Problem With Too Much Fat

However, eating an excess of either cooked or raw fats produces a host of problems for the consumer:

#1: Fat takes a long time to digest and it remains in the bloodstream for a long time. When too much fat is consumed, the excess fat in the bloodstream interferes with insulin production from the pancreas. Under normal circumstances, the insulin would attach itself to sugar molecules within the blood in order to carry them to the cells. With the fat in the way, the insulin does not reach the sugar. The pancreas becomes fatigued from producing extra insulin. The blood-sugar level becomes elevated because the sugar cannot be transported out of the blood by the insulin. As you can see, sugar metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes and Candida are not caused by a lack of insulin or too much sugar. They can be directly linked to an excess of fat.

#2: An excess of fat in the body slows down digestion of other foods that are eaten. Fruit, which normally takes minutes to digest, now has time to ferment inside the body. This results in uncomfortable bloating and gas.

#3: Too much fat in the bloodstream also interferes with the red blood cells' ability to transport oxygen. A low oxygenated body is a perfect environment for cancer cells to thrive.

#4: Excess fat consumption is linked to numerous physical and mental ailments, such as:

  • Heart disease
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Breast cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Candida
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Anemia
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Bipolar Disorder

How Much Fat?

Dr. Graham, author of The 80/10/10 Diet and a leader within the raw food movement, advocates a diet of 10% fat or less. Personally, this is the guideline that I follow and recommend as well. Anymore fat than this and it is likely that you are not consuming enough simple carbohydrates in the form of fruit.

10% of calories from fat is surprising to many people. However, many reputable sources (including the world-renowned Pritikin Center) recommend that only 10-15% of calories come from fat.

Many people around the world eat diets low in fat. In The China Study, the longest nutritional study ever conducted, Dr. Campbell studies people living in rural China who eat as low as 6% of calories from fat!

It is not surprising that in these areas you find much lower rates of heart disease, atherosclerosis, breast cancer, etc. compared to more industrialized places like the US and Britain.

On most days, I do not eat any overt fats and on those days I average about 5% of my calories from fat. I've never experienced any adverse reactions from limiting my fat intake.

In fact, I have only experienced great benefits since limiting fat, such as weight loss, increased energy, deeper sleep, mental focus, and improved digestion.

Take Action!

You can take action right now by simply limiting your consumption of fatty foods to 15% or less. A good way to do this is to replace these foods with high-calorie, low-fat sweet fruits.

For instance, if you usually eat avocados with your greens, try peaches sliced up on top instead. You can even make completely fat-free dressings from fruits and veggies. Here is a personal favorite of mine:

*Tangy Tomato Dressing*

  • 2 cups of pineapple
  • 1 cup of tomatoes
  • 1 cup of cucumber

Blend all of the ingredients together.

The best way to track your fat consumption is to use There are many more sites that allow you to track your calories, but this is the site I recommend. It is easy to use and easy on the eyes. :)

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Does the Raw Food Diet Work? Find Out If the Raw Food Diet Works For Weight Loss and Health!
By Claudia Ohst Platinum Quality Author

If you are asking yourself "Does the raw food diet work?", you probably have heard about the numerous benefits of raw food diets. They range from better digestion, increased energy level, soft glowing skin, sound sleep, improved concentration, to a better immune system with less frequent colds and flus. And last but not least comes quick and easy weight loss combined with all these health benefits. If this all sounds to good to be true, it is no wonder that you might ask: Is this real? Does the raw food diet work? Or is this all just a big scam?

Well, I can put your mind at ease, the raw food diet does work! Raw foods really can work wonders in today's world of junk food with empty calories, that stimulate your appetite but are only of little if any nutritious value. Raw foods still contain their natural enzymes that are able to cleanse and heal your body.

How does the raw food diet work for health?
Here, one example is the Gerson Therapy which is an alternative therapy for patients with cancer or other degenerative diseases. Gerson Therapy apparently has cured thousands of patients and is based on the regular consumption of freshly squeezed vegetable juices which provide a super dose of enzymes, minerals and other vital nutrients.

When some people ask "Does the raw food diet work?", the better question should actually be: "Does a cooked food diet work?" The consequences of a diet consisting of cooked food with little nutritious value can not be better demonstrated as by the Pottenger Cat Study.

Dr Pottenger studied what effect heat was having on raw foods and fed two groups of cats different foods. The one group received raw milk and raw foods, while the other group was also been fed raw milk but cooked meat. The second group developed various health problems which were getting worse from generation to generation. The quote of stillborn kittens increased until in the forth generation reproduction was not successful any more.

Now, this study was conducted with cats and we are certainly different from cats, but it makes you think anyway. The nutritious value is definitely better with the raw foods and many people swear by it's health benefits.

Does the raw food diet work for weight loss?
Also, as a way to lose weight this is finally a diet regime that lets you shed your unwanted pounds in a healthy way. And this is really hard to find in today's world of quick fix solutions and diet pills. As fats and sugar are drastically reduced with raw foods, you can even expect fast weight loss!

Considering all of the above, the question might not be any more so much "Does the raw food diet work?" but rather "What can I eat on the raw food diet?" and "Am I able to stick to this kind of diet?" Changing to a a raw food diet is admittedly not so easy but well worth the while. And if you can't or don't want to go on 100% raw foods straight away, try to introduce more and more raw foods over time and develop your new healthy lifestyle slowly. This makes sure you don't give up on your diet too soon and you still can see your cravings disappear and the pounds start to come off.

If you want to learn more on healthy eating habits and techniques to stop cravings for food please visit my blog at and receive the report "3 Shockingly Successful Methods to Stop Cravings" when subscribing to the newsletter.
Also read my article Changing to a Raw Food Diet
Author: Claudia Ohst

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