Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss

Recommended Program
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Raw Food Diet - Change Your Diet, Change Your Life - Nurse's Secret!
By Helen Hecker Platinum Quality Author

One of the best things you can do to change your life is to change your diet. Few people really understand or know how much what you eat can influence every waking moment. If you're distracted by aches, pains and other health problems you can't really focus or enjoy your life. I didn't understand that as much myself until I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999 and changed my diet to a raw food diet.

At the time I was plagued with many ailments and conditions including arthritis, severe fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, undiagnosed celiac disease, GERD, chronic sinus infections, gum infections that wouldn't clear up, aches and pains and a host of others too long to list. I also had a bout with strep throat, damaged esophagus from antibiotics and was hospitalized with pneumonia.

After my diagnosis I turned down all conventional therapy. No chemo, no radiation and no surgery. No meds of any kind. I chose another path and that is the natural path. Helping my body to heal. I went on an intense diet of raw foods, that is foods that are alive and loaded with nutrients that would help my malnourished body heal from all my ailments including breast cancer

A strange thing happened. In the first month almost all of my ailments were gone. I woke up able to breathe freely - no sinus problems and later I discovered why. I had an endless amount of energy sleeping only five hours of night. I tried to sleep longer but my body just wanted to get up and get going. My mood was elevated and I felt ready for anything. I couldn't believe my good fortune. Within two months every last ailment and condition was completely gone. I felt fantastic and now a decade later I feel the same way. And not even one pill or medication ever taken.

Although the diet I chose for breast cancer was more intense I still eat only raw foods today - all living foods, foods that are alive and full of life-giving energy and nutrients - antioxidants and legions of other phytonutrients. Thousands of which haven't even been discovered yet. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds - it's a vegan diet. There are dozens of fantastic raw recipes that can be made from these ingredients also - desserts and entrees included.

I know how a raw food diet cured me of all my diseases, and ailments, aches and pains and conditions. Good clear skin, healthy hair, fit body, never any weight issues. No aches and pains. I just feel good all the time. It's the best natural weight loss diet too!

I try to pass on what I've learned and encourage others to change from the standard American diet that we were all raised on. Changing your diet can change your life. Why not give a raw food diet a try for a month and see what I mean. You'll be forever glad you did! Take it from me!

For my raw food diet cure and secrets - how I used it to help cure my breast cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, digestive & sleep issues, headaches, pain, weight loss, etc. see a nurse/raw food expert's http://www.RawFoodDietCure.com and my easy raw food recipes http://www.RecipesRaw.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Helen_Hecker

Recommended Program
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Is a Raw Food Diet Radical?
By Swayze Foster Platinum Quality Author

There are so many doctors, nutritionists, dietitians, and health hobbyists and lobbyists out there that bash the raw food diet and its promoters. They say that a raw food diet isn't balanced, is lacking nutrients, results in fanaticism...

Ultimately, they conclude that a raw diet is a radical approach to health.

Since I know you're just *dying* to know, here is what I think. :)

Everyone knows the health benefits of fruits and veggies

We have all been told since childhood the importance of fruits and vegetables in a balanced diet. Our parents did everything they could to get us to eat our fruits and veggies.

Chips were replaced with apples and PB in our lunch boxes. Broccoli was smothered in yellow cheese sauce. Berries were stuck between layers of graham cracker and whipped cream.

If you asked a random person off the street what the healthiest foods are, 90% of them would say fruits and vegetables.

Try this: go to Google and search "healthy food." Click the image tab. Almost *every* picture on the first page showcases fruits and vegetables!

And what about commercials? There's the "5-a-day" ads. The Ocean Spray cranberry juice ads. All the different foods promoting their "one serving of fruit/vegetables." And we can't forget the ever-popular "should have had a V8" ads.

So what's the big deal?

If the vast majority agrees that fruits and vegetables are the healthiest foods for us humans, is the idea of eating them exclusively such a leap? I don't think so.

But then again, I'm biased.

Think of it this way: if you knew the absolute *best* way to clean your carpet, would you give any other method the time of day? Of course not!

If you have the best, forget the rest!

Do you want to know what IS radical about a raw food diet?

The results! The amazing benefits you can experience from going raw are just that...amazing! Here are a few that I can attest to...

  • Improved digestion
  • Weight loss
  • Better mental focus
  • No more muscle cramps!
  • Loss of joint pain
  • Much more energy
  • Deeper, restful sleep
  • Reduction in daily hair loss
  • Softer, smoother skin
  • Less chance of burning from sun exposure
  • No more stinky sweat!

I could go on and on, but I won't bore you any longer.

My point is that the results speak for themselves. If you doubt the validity of a raw vegan diet or think that it is *too radical*, just give it a try! Make the effort for a good 30 days and see what raw foods can do for you.

I guarantee you will see results quicker than you could have ever imagined.

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit http://www.fitonraw.com and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Swayze_Foster

Recommended Program
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Does the Raw Food Diet Lead to Tooth Decay?
By Swayze Foster Platinum Quality Author

A common testament to the fallacy of the raw food diet is that it results in tooth decay. I can't tell you how many times I have been told, "Oh, you're a raw foodist? You know all the teeth will rot out of your head, right?"

But is it true? Does eating raw really pose a problem to your pearly whites?

Not when you eat a *healthy* raw diet. However, most raw foodists don't exactly follow a low fat raw vegan diet.

As a result, many mainstream raw foodists do in fact experience tooth problems.

Here are the two main reasons why so many raw foodists struggle with tooth decay.

#1: Raw foodists eat too much dried foods

Because so many raw foodists eat a diet lacking in raw sweet fruits, they turn to dense, dehydrated foods to satisfy their caloric intake. Ingredients like dried nuts and fruit are commonplace in the mainstream raw diet.

A huge problem with eating these foods so often is that all or most of the water has been removed. This results in a dry and sticky consistency, just perfect for clinging to your teeth.

Unless you brush your teeth all day, you will constantly have bits of dried, sugary food on your teeth. This creates a haven for bacteria, the result of which can be tooth decay.

Which brings me to my second point...

#2: Raw foodists lack a good dental care system

Many raw foodists believe that following a raw food diet means that you do not have to brush your teeth. Monkeys and other primates do not brush their teeth so why should we?

No matter what kind of diet you eat, whether it's SAD or low fat raw, you *must* brush your teeth. You will still get food particles stuck in all the little crevasses and you will still get some plaque residue on your teeth regardless of what diet you consume.

If you don't want to end up in an uncomfortable dentist chair with an empty wallet, it is imperative that you develop a good dental care system.

What is a good dental care system?

All you need to maintain clean, strong, healthy teeth is a soft toothbrush and some dental floss.

For the toothbrush, I recommend a battery-operated model. I have found that the bristles used are exceptionally soft and the rotating head does an excellent job of cleaning your teeth. Mine is rechargeable and cost about $30.

For the floss, I recommend any flavorless brand. Just be gentle. Flossing too hard can actually wear away your gums!

The method I use is very simple as well. I brush my teeth twice a day, morning and night, for about 3 minutes each. I usually floss only in the evening, if I think some food has decided to live between my teeth.

I do not recommend any toothpaste. It is unnecessary as water works just fine. Plus, most toothpastes contain harmful fluoride. Even natural toothpastes contain useless and even toxic substances and can prevent re-mineralization of the tooth enamel from occurring.

Combine this simple routine with a healthy raw vegan diet and reap the rewards of healthy teeth!

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit http://www.fitonraw.com and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Swayze_Foster

Recommended Program
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Raw Food Diet - The Pros, the Cons, the Controversy
By Perry Ahlgrimm Platinum Quality Author

The relationship between you and your protection dog is mutually beneficial. Dogs have a strong desire to please their handler and true protection dogs also possess a natural desire to defend. In return, your dog is rewarded with the stable and balanced household that you provide as well as regular praise that lets the dog know he or she is making you happy. CCK9's unique method of training focuses on this dynamic, therefore eliminating the need to use toys, tugs, or food as a reward (it also eliminates the use of shock collars and other unnecessary means of force).

As handler and guardian, you are responsible for ensuring the optimal health of your protection dog; the diet you feed your dog is an integral part of providing a balanced environment. I'm often consulted regarding my opinion on which diet to choose. Hands down, I'm a fan of the excellent- but controversial-raw food diet. We feed all of our dogs at Command Control Canine LTD a diet that consists of at least 70-80% raw meat (beef, turkey, duck, venison, lamb). Egg is also a protein source.

My preference is to switch the types of raw meat used every few days in order to vary the fat content as well as keep our dogs stimulated. Bones, fed raw and with some meat on it, are given several times a week. The other 20-30% of the diet consists of fruits and vegetables. Onions, mushrooms or tomatoes should not be used. When starting the diet, keep an eye on any gastrointestinal problems your dog may have and try to eliminate trigger foods. On top of this, I like to add in about 2000 mg of fish oil supplements.

When preparing the food, be sure to massage it with your hands in order to get your scent on it. It is just one more reminder that the leader is the supplier of the meal and serves to maintain the respect that the dog has for you. In the wild, wolf pack leaders will eat first and then the rest of the pack will finish. The pack is used to tasting the leader's saliva on their food. For this reason one of our clients swears by spitting in her dog's food daily. We don't do it but it's an interesting theory.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the raw food diet. That the diet may not be balanced or increases the risk of introducing germs or infection tops the list. I have not had this experience but one tip I can offer is that I deep-freeze our meat for a period of time before thawing it for preparation. Also, we prepare large batches and freeze them until right before use. The benefits of the diet outweigh the risks and allow the dogs to eat a diet that they have been feeding on for billions of years.

There are commercial foods that attempt to mimic the raw food diet. For the most part, my suggestion is to create your own meals. It may cost slightly more than commercial dog food but your protection dog is a long-term investment. The dividends- the security of you and your family- are well worth the extra cost.

Perry Ahlgrimm, CEO
Command Control K9 Ltd
1.866.865.2259 (CCK9)

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