The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.
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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health
How the Raw Food Diet Can Boost Your Health and Performance
From a nutritional standpoint, living by the principles of a raw food diet over the past months has been one great benefit. Both my life as an ultra athlete and areas in my private life have drastically improved.
Not that raw foods never existed before!
The difference is that I became increasingly more aware of what I would put into my body and what effects I could noticeably feel when I first started integrating vegan foods into my diet last summer. Also, as a natural side effect of an increased training volume I wanted to simply try something different, too.
The interesting thing is that I used to be preoccupied towards raw foodism imagining that one only chews on salads leaves and carrot sticks. Luckily, there are so many people out there thriving on raw foods and they would never want to go back to a standard diet. These people have shaped this 'new' lifestyle reaching out to others to share the same enthusiasm to live on natural foods only.
By definition, raw foods are nutriments that are consumed in their natural, unprocessed state. Some can still be considered raw if they have not been heated above 45 degrees Celsius or 115 Fahrenheit.
Yet, some foods are mistaken for being raw. These include:
- Agave nectar: has to be altered and heated to get the typical sweetness resembling the taste of honey
- Dried Fruit: dried at high temperatures and blanched
- Olives: usually canned, jarred and soaked in bad oils
- Almonds, ground almonds: originating in California most nuts have been pasteurized and ground almonds are blanched before putting them through the grinder
- Frozen vegetables: often boiled and blanched before being packaged even if the label reads "fresh frozen"
- Cashews: are considered fruits and are heated to shell and lose their toxins
- Tahini: sesame seeds are roasted at high temperatures; even if labeled unpasteurized double-check with manufacturer or make your own by grinding sesame seeds and adding olive oil
- Oats: are steamed in order to keep out worms before storage
- Wild rice: not considered raw or wild; being blanched after harvesting to prevent from bugs
- Miso: made from cooked ingredients even if you purchase the un-pasteurized version
Explore now what the first steps into a new direction were. - From one day to the next, I eliminated all dairy produce.
It was a conscious decision that would either turn out to be worth it - or not. But the overall outcome would be the same either way of looking at it: By experimenting and making changes to my diet I would find out more about myself and what foods my body can best deal with. Especially race nutrition is an area where I am constantly trying to improve, readjusting and become smarter!
So, up until my first ultra marathon in the Sahara I lived a (standard) diet, only that I have never been a traditional meat eater. The look of a piece of steak still does not do anything for me, yet a piece of fish or a salad topped with chicken strips were some of the dishes I would occasionally eat. Naturally, I have always liked raw foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Just not the amounts I am eating these days. As for hard and soft cheeses I used to eat a handful maybe every day. Breads and wholegrain batches are foods I still like and consume occasionally to this day.
Nevertheless, weighing foods or counting calories is not something I would recommend for any type of diet. I tried it before because I was curious about the exact amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats I was consuming every day. I think I gave up after a day. It was no fun and more strenuous than I had expected.
In principle, enjoying the (raw) foods you are eating is more important! And worrying about your weight too much is not a rule that applies to the ultra runner anyway. When the body is conditioned enough and used to regular running and other types of training (cycling, climbing, hiking, swimming for example) you will already have your personal ideal weight which might vary throughout the year.
So, speaking from my experience and intense research I have done on the benefits of thriving on a raw food diet explore the facts here:
- In order to function properly and stay healthy all year around eliminating dairy products is the most obvious step to take
- Significant changes in energy levels result in better health, training and racing performances
- Mood swings may disappear, the skin will start to glow even more
- Hay fever symptoms reduce or even completely clear away
- An increased intake of raw foods allows for better nutrient absorption in the body
- By going vegan you can still get a lot of junk food so keep packaged vegan foods and ready-meals at a minimum
But...I am happy with my diet so why should I switch to raw foods?
I hear you ask that question. Rightly so.
The answer is simple, though. Why not take it as a challenge to see whether you can feel even better, feel stronger and happier. Become smarter for your own good and develop in this important area of life as an ultra runner. Share your experiences with others.
By fueling your body with more natural, raw foods the impact that will have on your training (volume), abilities and confidence will be amazing! Just like your constantly work on getting better or faster in your next ultra marathon by making changes to your training routine, the same goes for your diet.
It takes 28 days for something new to form into a habit. This may seem a long time but the long-term results are what matters. Change takes time so be patient!
How can I be sure that my body gets all the vitamins?
Just recently I was asked that question again and what do I say to people that show scepticism? - I still feel great and would not want to go back to my 'old' diet. And our body is incapable to split animal proteins. Except for the nice taste of meat that some people claim it is no use to you in reality.
Honestly said, it is more or less a poor reflection of that person's own incapability to face a challenge and stand up to it. Especially when discussing individual diets many, many people are eating their choice of foods out of habit and never question a deeper effect.
Remember that raw foods provide you all the essential carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and enzymes you need.
So here is another great tip:
Listen to your needs and go with your feeling. Some food combinations must be mentioned. I would have never thought that depending on how you combine foods it can make you feel good or bad. I threw and tossed everything into a (fruit) salad or into a vegetable pan and only came to notice a better feeling after I integrated the tips on ideal food combining.
Feel free to take the shortcut...
- Avoid fat and sweet sugar together such as nuts and dates
- Bananas and acidic fruits like oranges and pineapples cause cramping and indigestion often leaving you feeling bloated
- Acidic fruits and fats should be consumed seperately
- Avoid different sources of fat in the same meal like mixing coconut, nuts, seeds and avocado
- Eat watery foods first; melon before berries before bananas
- Tomatoes are considered acidic fruits and are best eaten with tahini, nuts or other sources of protein except for starches
- Leafy, dark greens go with everything
- Allow your body to absorb acidic fruits before sweet and starchy ones
- When consuming cooked vegetables and other foods allow 20-30 minutes for digestion
As usual, it is easier to keep meals simple rather than cooking twice a day!
A tip to save time at dinner, with or without kids: I tend to cut up all the fruits and veggies needed for the day around lunch time, including washing a head of lettuce. Tightly stored in plastic containers and put in the fridge, salads and veggies only need to be put on a big plate later on and freshly cut bread, for example. Dips and salad sauces only take two minutes to prepare in a blender.
Whether I strictly live by the principles of a raw food diet all the time?
Yes and no. I have found that raw foods definitely add to my overall health and have helped me to up my training after only two weeks into it. I felt so great that I added more and more raw foods and cook some vegetables three times a week. Also, sticking to the tips mentioned above contributes to a better overall well-being.
As a family and within the social network I am living in I have adapted my current diet to what is the least stress for me and the family. The rest of the family loves the refinements we have made to our evening meals.
I probably eat about 70-80 % raw foods in their natural state and the rest of my daily intake included foods like sprouted buckwheat bread, sometimes a barley roll, vegan biscuits, home-made cakes and fudges, dark chocolate, honey. I skipped things like tofu and other subsitutes months ago. I still do not crave pizzas and have had four pasta dishes in one year.
Subsituting cow's milk for soy milk to use in cappuccinos (still cannot do without it!) took getting used to but the various choices and flavors in soy milk are worth a try. Personally, though, I stay away from chocolate, vanilla and berry-flavoured soy milks and stick to plain one and only sometimes I mix calcium-enriched soy milk into coffees and mueslis.
Make Ultrarunning Not Just Your Sport But Your Lifestyle Article Source: | |
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health
There has been a lot of attention and hype in the media and among doctors for raw food recently, especially as more studies have shown that our diets consist of mostly processed food. Here are the top 5 reasons to consider adding raw food to your diets:
1. Digestive Enzymes - Our body works overtime to create enough enzymes to digest processed food. This creates an imbalance in the body to the point that bodies start registering a markedly lower threshold for stress. Raw foods are a GREAT source of natural enzymes and extremely easy for your body to digest. So not only will your body be able to digest easily, but have enough energy to work on repairing tissues and cells for continued health.
2. Weight Loss - We automatically associate raw foods with a weight loss diet due to the high fiber content. It is true to some extent. By adding raw food at the start of your meal, you automatically eat a smaller portion of a high-calorie processed food because there just isn't enough space for it. Fiber fills you up. Lower amount of calories eventually equal weight loss.
3. Vitamins and Minerals - What better way to get vitamin C than directly from a juicy orange or even broccoli? 1 orange will also give you natural calcium, vitamins A and B, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc and Potassium. Who needs a multi-vitamin tablet when you've got so many fruits and vegetables to mix and match from?
4. Anti-aging - Anti-aging thinking has taken on a new dimension recently with vitamins and enzymes being added even to some facial creams! Why supplement externally when you can add all of these to your diet, and benefit holistically from the inside-out.
5. High energy and vitality levels - Raw foods give your body a break from the one process that it expends 80% of its energy on for processed foods - the digestion process. Saved energy means higher vitality levels for you, and an overall better quality of health. Raw foods provide raw fiber, which also helps with colon health.
If your goal is weight loss then adding raw foods to your diet is a must for that extra fast fat burning. If your goal is health, then adding raw foods will add years to your life and life to your years!
The absolute best resource on teaching how to lose weight effectively, quickly, and long term, is actually a downloadable book that I read earlier this year. It was so good that I contacted the owner of the site and talked him into allowing me to give my readers $144 worth of free products that he normally sells, completely free! And I managed to get all of my readers a huge discount on the actual eBook itself. You can download the eBook here at Never give up, because I can promise you that achieving the weight loss goals you've set for yourself will happen if you take things 1 small step at a time. Good luck!
- Michael S Allen
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Recommended ReadingRaw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health
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