The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.
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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
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and Reclaiming Your Health
Still Dreading a Raw Food Diet Detox?
This past Thursday, I talked about the dreaded diet detox and how the length and detoxification symptoms from eliminating cooked foods and beginning a raw food diet are really not so scary.
You should expect a headache or two, some achy joints, and low energy for a few days.
That's really it!
With that said, I do realize that there are some people - like those coming from cases of chronic disease or who consume severely nutrient-deficient and toxic foods (i.e. fast food) - who are worried about experiencing a more severe detox.
As I mentioned last time, the more toxic load you regularly place on your body, the more long-lasting and uncomfortable your detox symptoms will be when you reduce the load and go raw.
But no worries! There is a way - a super simple way, of course - to adopt a healthy raw food diet without fear of yucky detox symptoms.
Transition Slowly
Adopting a raw food diet does not mean that you have to go 100% raw right away.
In fact, this usually is not the best plan. It is much easier and much less stressful on your physiology and psyche to gradually replace the cooked foods you already eat with tasty raw fruits and veggies.
And you can do this at whatever pace you want!
For instance, an easy way to get started is simply by replacing your breakfast meal with fruit. Eat as much fruit as you want so that you are satiated for 3-5 hours after eating. This is completely doable for most people because
a) most people do not experience cravings until later in the day
b) most people do not eat breakfast anyway
So this is a plus for most people because they now get to start their day with a healthy and delicious meal!
And, of course, there's more than one way to transition.
There's the 75% raw method (sweet fruit for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, ending with a cooked dish). There's the "as much fruit as you want before each meal" method.
There's also Tonya Kay's No-Willpower Approach to transitioning to raw.
She's such a cutie!:)
By transitioning to a raw food diet slowly, your body will gradually be able to release waste and adjust to the lower toxicity level. This way, you will bypass most or even all of the detox symptoms.
Want to Up the Ante?
For those of you brave souls wanting to blast through your detox as quickly as possible, there's no better option than fasting. A short 1-2 day fast (that means nothing but water and lots of rest) followed by completely clean eating will allow the body the opportunity it needs for some serious repair work.
I only recommend a short fast of no more than 2 days (which is not technically a fast) because long-term fasting requires extensive knowledge, experience, and often outside care. If you are interested in a long-term fast, be sure to check out Dr. Graham's Costa Rica Fasting Retreat.
Go raw and be fit,
For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.
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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health
There are a number of different reasons why people would eat a raw food diet. Some people go on a diet such as this in order to detoxify and to get rid of many of the poisons that are clogging up their system. It is also possible that you want to eat raw food in order to naturally cut back on the amount of calories that you are consuming. To be certain, it is an excellent thing to do. There may be another reason, however, why a raw food diet may be the best thing for you.
The body has an amazing ability to heal itself that is often seen whenever a severe injury or illness is overcome. Unfortunately, we often treat our body with such disrespect in the things that we eat and drink that we take away the natural ability of the body to do these things. By switching over to a raw food diet, you are actually giving your body the ability to take care of itself and many people that do this are amazed with the differences that they can feel and see.
The unfortunate thing is, it is difficult to eat a diet that is comprised 100% of raw fruits and vegetables. That is not any reason to throw in the towel, however, as a diet that is high in these type of items is also very beneficial for you. It is really the best of both worlds, giving you the opportunity to help your body to be the best it can be while at the same time, not being so strict on yourself that you give up out of frustration.
John Elkington is full time personal trainer. In addition to helping others get fit and healthy, John also writes on a variety of niche topics including black bath towels, which are great to use at the gym due to their stain resistant color. Read more about them at
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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
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