Saturday, January 9, 2010

Update Jan. 09 - 2010 Pro's Or Con's "Raw Food Diet Weight Loss Program" By Health Experts

The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.

Recommended Reading

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Every Other Day Diet Vs Raw Food Diet - Which is Right For You?
By John Davenport Platinum Quality Author

It seems that whereever you turn there's a different eating concept of program which is supposed to help you lose weight and look better. Naturally, you also want to feel healthier, not just lose fat.

In today's article I want to compare two methods to lose weight and lead a healthier life. One is called the Every Other Day Diet and the other is known as the Raw Food diet. Which method is better for you? Which should you choose?

Before I begin to compare these two methods according to a list of criteria, let's go over what these programs are in general.

The Every Other Day Diet (EODD for short) is a weight loss program in which you can eat your favorite foods every other day even if these are the kind of foods you will normally not find on any diet plan. These may include pizza, burgers, and so on.

Naturally, this program does have specific guidelines and you need to eat according to them. But, if you do, you can lose weight without really depriving yourself.

The Raw Food diet is a general term for programs which prescribe eating food in its most natural forms. This is usually vegetarian, if not vegan, programs, so meat eaters will not like this. The idea is that because modern food is filled with chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics, drugs, and other pollutants, that we're getting sicker and fatter simply because we're eating bad food and we need to stop.

Ease of Use

I believe that EODD is easier to do than most raw food diets because it's less restrictive and does not require a radical lifestyle change. However, you can get used to eating raw. It's an acquired habit.


EODD does have a support system but so do many online raw food diet plans such as Yuri Elkaim's Eating For Energy program. I believe support is very important which is why I prefer online programs to books.


Raw Food diets as a whole are not centered around exercise. Some include exercise guidelines and some don't. With EODD you will need to workout regularly to get the best results you can. There is no getting around it.

Health Wise

This is a point of contention. If you believe that eating "modern" food is bad for you (and there are experts which say as much) then a Raw Food diet will look healthier to you. If you don't, then you don't need to go to such extremes.

I will say this: there is truth in the claims that our foods are not as clean as they can and should be. However, you need to realize that a eating raw is a commitment to a totally different way of life, so you need to be ready for it.

Each of these 2 methods can work for you. Just choose the one which seems right for you and your life.

Visit this webpage: Every Other Day Diet Program to discover more about this plan. For a top notch raw food diet, click here: Yuri Elkaim's Eating For Energy
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

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Recommended Reading
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Carol Alt - Raw Food Diet to Keep the Weight Off
By Christine Delareya

Carol Alt's raw food diet has helped her positively glow in radiant health. As a model, for years she has had to maintain an impossible 125lbs body weight on her 5ft 10in frame. Eating very little left her continually run down. Then at the age of 34, she realised she had to understand her body to keep her weight down and so learned the immense benefits of raw organic eating.

When Carol reached 34, she went on a photo shoot with a 19 year old who was full of zest and was taking over the star billing whilst Carol sat in the shadows. The flight had made her bloat, she was tired and on medicines for her sinuses and her acid stomach. Despite starving herself for 2 days, she was still unable to get her weight down from 135lbs to 125lbs.

Hitting the wall

Her metabolism was slowing and without a change in routine and a healthier diet to reduce weight, her career as a model was over. She was in a routine taking medicines to fall asleep and coffee to wake up. What kind of life was this? She was aging. She started to gain weight, got wrinkles and couldn't lose them. She had "hit the wall".

Coming back from the trip with the 19 year old made her realise she had to change. She didn't have the energy to work any more. She then heard about a doctor who recommended a diet to bring the zip back to her life.

He recommended that Carol went on a raw diet. He taught her about food, nutrition and pretty soon she began to feel a lot better. She regained her zest for life, lost the excess weight, came off all her medicines, cut out her habits and felt a whole lot better.

She is now a strong advocate of the raw food diet. But what does it involve?

A raw diet is where food is not cooked above 118 degrees. This ensures all the nutrients are retained in the food. Raw foodism is focused on improving the whole life and lifestyle whilst maintaining a balanced healthy diet.

The benefits every raw foodist experiences are much lower cholesterol, a better acid-alkaline balance and of course excess weight dropping off. As well as a lot more energy and radiance.

You can gain the same benefits as Carol Alt. Raw food diet planning is a lot easier with a guide or set of recipes books to ensure you maintain a balanced healthy diet.

About the Author: Christine Delareya is keenly embracing the vegan lifestyle and is already feeling far more energized. She has been surprised how easy it is to cook vegan once you know what to buy and where to get it from. Here's a site she contributes to which compares diets and features the Raw Vegan diet

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Recommended Reading
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

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1 comment:

  1. Raw food diets are becoming increasingly popular, and with good reasons. Foods in their raw state are truly as nature designed and they are the most biocompatible with our bodies. Thanks a lot for sharing some healthy facts here.
