Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss

The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
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15 Amazing Raw Food Diet Benefits
By Joe Waters

First, What Is A Raw Food Diet?

A raw food diet typically consists of nearly all uncooked food. A standard ratio is usually 75% raw food to 25% or less cooked food. Many people will even aim to achieve 90 to 100% raw foods in their diet.

By following these guidelines, many wonderful benefits of a raw food diet are realized.

Some of the most common types of raw foods are...fresh and dried fruits, fresh fruit juices, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouts.

Let's look at some of the most noticeable benefits of a raw food diet people typically experience once they make this shift in their dietary habits.

Powerful Raw Food Diet Benefits

Some of the most common benefits of a raw food diet include...

  • Increased energy level.
  • Clear, soft skin.
  • Establish and maintain your ideal body weight.
  • You do not feel deprived of eating.
  • Eat as much as you want and not gain weight.
  • Enjoy a deep, sound sleep at night.
  • Have regular bowel movements and rarely suffer from constipation or indigestion.
  • Look younger and healthier.
  • Your health and fitness levels increase.
  • Your eyes will be more clear and bright.
  • Feel happy throughout the day - with no signs of depression.
  • Your level of concentration and focus will improve greatly.
  • Your instincts and intuitiveness will be sharper.
  • Less degenerative disease.
  • Less frequent or less intense colds and flus.

Based on the raw food diet benefits listed above, it's plain to see that raw foods are a simple, effective and natural way to improve your overall health and experience life at an optimal level!

Looking for a proven combination of cutting-edge fitness programs, simple-to-follow diet guidelines, effective supplements, and the most compelling peer support system ever created? Join the Home Fitness Revolution Today!

Visit us at http://www.Home-Fitness-Revolution.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Waters

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

The Raw Food Diet - Some Things You Should Know Before Trying This Diet
By Faviano Torres

There is a new method of losing weight that not all people can try. However, reviews revealed that, so far, it has provided great results to people who have tried the Raw Food Diet. If you are intending to try this yourself, you must read this article first because it will tell you some things you should know before trying this diet.

Not many of us are aware of this new type of weight reduction so let us start with defining it. The Raw Food Diet is a weight loss program wherein you will only eat unprocessed, uncooked, or fresh foods to lose fat. These include fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, sprouts, beans, sprouts, seaweed, and dried fruits. You cannot eat those that have been fried, grilled, baked, steamed,, or processed because they are not raw.

You can heat them as long as it does not go beyond 116 degrees because it will kill the good enzymes that help in digesting and absorbing nutrients. You cannot also cook them because cooking washes all the nutrients and good things from them. It is important to gain awareness of the benefits of the Raw Food Diet. These are the following:

1. It can give the needed boost in our energy levels to help us fight diseases and infection better.

2. It moisturizes our skin, making it look young and radiant. As we get rid of all the preservatives, oils, fats, and other harmful chemicals that are sometimes added to processed or cooked foods, we also enhance our skin tone.

3. It improves our digestion because it promotes overall cleansing of our body. This means that we can flush out all the toxins and hardened fecal matter stuck in the body for quite some time to enable better digestion and absorption of nutrients.

4. It can help us burn calories faster due to improved digestion, leading to effective weight loss.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

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Acai Berry is the #1 "Super Food" because it has so many different elements that help your body, so you can't go wrong with Acai Berries & Colon Cleansing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Faviano_Torres

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

The Raw Diet
By Brent McNutt Platinum Quality Author

Humans are the only species of animal (yes, animal) that cooks its food. Fire power is great for warming our bodies in the winter and ridding meat products of harmful bacteria. But, is it really necessary to heat everything we eat? Some people think not and choose to follow a raw diet. Forgoing oven roasted turkey or chicken in favor of a salad of fresh lettuce, carrots and tomatoes, subscribers to the raw diet must know something we don't.

First, and to many probably the biggest draw, is that of dramatic weight loss. Consuming only raw fruits and vegetables and their juices is an obvious way to drop a few dress sizes. As an added bonus, all of the toxins from the chemicals added into processes and packaged food will no longer accumulate in your system. Detox diets, famous for flushing harmful to contaminants from your body, have been known to melt pounds after only a few days. Stick to a well-balanced raw diet and you'll be mimicking this on a more constant basis.

Just as important as weight loss, the immune boosting properties of the raw diet are extensive. Uncooked, unaltered vegetables, fruits and nuts prevent cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Paired with modern medicine, this means of nutrition may lead to a longer, more active life. You may have to skip some favorite junk foods, but you may find more vitality along the way.

Locally grown foods are best for the raw diet. The short distance from harvesting to your plate eliminates the need for preservatives. In the long run, this is better for the earth's soil, water and air. Since no large fleets of delivery trucks are necessary when what you're eating is in your own back yard, motor vehicle emission decrease. The runoff that flows into water sources from mass produced crops covered in pesticides plummet. And, soil is naturally replenished because it would not be tilled to excess by commercial farmers.

Resulting from all of these things, the quality of an individual will experience a remarkable increase in the quality of daily life. Skin elasticity and mental clarity improve. Flexibility, muscle strength and fertility all increase. Not to mention your taste buds recover a vibrancy that was lost to unnatural food sources. The sluggish feeling of a "food coma" no longer occurs with the light fair you'll be enjoying. And, never again will you scrub away at another greasy, baked on pot or pan.

The time alone you'll save in meal preparation should be enough to make you at least try raw food for a week. Start slow and incorporate the practice gradually. Start with one meal a day and make it totally raw. After you keep this up for an entire week, start adding things. Have a salad at every meal. Cut down on the amount of meat you eat. In fact, studies show that our digestive system is not designed to handle a large quantity of animal protein. It may seem extreme, but you might find that stripping all the extra from your meals is what you've been missing all along.

Brent McNutt enjoys talking about landau medical scrubs and landau mens scrubs and networking with healthcare professionals online.

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Raw Food Diet - Change Your Diet, Change Your Life - Nurse's Secret!
By Helen Hecker Platinum Quality Author

One of the best things you can do to change your life is to change your diet. Few people really understand or know how much what you eat can influence every waking moment. If you're distracted by aches, pains and other health problems you can't really focus or enjoy your life. I didn't understand that as much myself until I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999 and changed my diet to a raw food diet.

At the time I was plagued with many ailments and conditions including arthritis, severe fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, undiagnosed celiac disease, GERD, chronic sinus infections, gum infections that wouldn't clear up, aches and pains and a host of others too long to list. I also had a bout with strep throat, damaged esophagus from antibiotics and was hospitalized with pneumonia.

After my diagnosis I turned down all conventional therapy. No chemo, no radiation and no surgery. No meds of any kind. I chose another path and that is the natural path. Helping my body to heal. I went on an intense diet of raw foods, that is foods that are alive and loaded with nutrients that would help my malnourished body heal from all my ailments including breast cancer

A strange thing happened. In the first month almost all of my ailments were gone. I woke up able to breathe freely - no sinus problems and later I discovered why. I had an endless amount of energy sleeping only five hours of night. I tried to sleep longer but my body just wanted to get up and get going. My mood was elevated and I felt ready for anything. I couldn't believe my good fortune. Within two months every last ailment and condition was completely gone. I felt fantastic and now a decade later I feel the same way. And not even one pill or medication ever taken.

Although the diet I chose for breast cancer was more intense I still eat only raw foods today - all living foods, foods that are alive and full of life-giving energy and nutrients - antioxidants and legions of other phytonutrients. Thousands of which haven't even been discovered yet. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds - it's a vegan diet. There are dozens of fantastic raw recipes that can be made from these ingredients also - desserts and entrees included.

I know how a raw food diet cured me of all my diseases, and ailments, aches and pains and conditions. Good clear skin, healthy hair, fit body, never any weight issues. No aches and pains. I just feel good all the time. It's the best natural weight loss diet too!

I try to pass on what I've learned and encourage others to change from the standard American diet that we were all raised on. Changing your diet can change your life. Why not give a raw food diet a try for a month and see what I mean. You'll be forever glad you did! Take it from me!

For my raw food diet cure and secrets - how I used it to help cure my breast cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, digestive & sleep issues, headaches, pain, weight loss, etc. see a nurse/raw food expert's http://www.RawFoodDietCure.com and my easy raw food recipes http://www.RecipesRaw.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Helen_Hecker

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Is a Raw Food Diet Radical?
By Swayze Foster Platinum Quality Author

There are so many doctors, nutritionists, dietitians, and health hobbyists and lobbyists out there that bash the raw food diet and its promoters. They say that a raw food diet isn't balanced, is lacking nutrients, results in fanaticism...

Ultimately, they conclude that a raw diet is a radical approach to health.

Since I know you're just *dying* to know, here is what I think. :)

Everyone knows the health benefits of fruits and veggies

We have all been told since childhood the importance of fruits and vegetables in a balanced diet. Our parents did everything they could to get us to eat our fruits and veggies.

Chips were replaced with apples and PB in our lunch boxes. Broccoli was smothered in yellow cheese sauce. Berries were stuck between layers of graham cracker and whipped cream.

If you asked a random person off the street what the healthiest foods are, 90% of them would say fruits and vegetables.

Try this: go to Google and search "healthy food." Click the image tab. Almost *every* picture on the first page showcases fruits and vegetables!

And what about commercials? There's the "5-a-day" ads. The Ocean Spray cranberry juice ads. All the different foods promoting their "one serving of fruit/vegetables." And we can't forget the ever-popular "should have had a V8" ads.

So what's the big deal?

If the vast majority agrees that fruits and vegetables are the healthiest foods for us humans, is the idea of eating them exclusively such a leap? I don't think so.

But then again, I'm biased.

Think of it this way: if you knew the absolute *best* way to clean your carpet, would you give any other method the time of day? Of course not!

If you have the best, forget the rest!

Do you want to know what IS radical about a raw food diet?

The results! The amazing benefits you can experience from going raw are just that...amazing! Here are a few that I can attest to...

  • Improved digestion
  • Weight loss
  • Better mental focus
  • No more muscle cramps!
  • Loss of joint pain
  • Much more energy
  • Deeper, restful sleep
  • Reduction in daily hair loss
  • Softer, smoother skin
  • Less chance of burning from sun exposure
  • No more stinky sweat!

I could go on and on, but I won't bore you any longer.

My point is that the results speak for themselves. If you doubt the validity of a raw vegan diet or think that it is *too radical*, just give it a try! Make the effort for a good 30 days and see what raw foods can do for you.

I guarantee you will see results quicker than you could have ever imagined.

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit http://www.fitonraw.com and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Swayze_Foster

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Does the Raw Food Diet Lead to Tooth Decay?
By Swayze Foster Platinum Quality Author

A common testament to the fallacy of the raw food diet is that it results in tooth decay. I can't tell you how many times I have been told, "Oh, you're a raw foodist? You know all the teeth will rot out of your head, right?"

But is it true? Does eating raw really pose a problem to your pearly whites?

Not when you eat a *healthy* raw diet. However, most raw foodists don't exactly follow a low fat raw vegan diet.

As a result, many mainstream raw foodists do in fact experience tooth problems.

Here are the two main reasons why so many raw foodists struggle with tooth decay.

#1: Raw foodists eat too much dried foods

Because so many raw foodists eat a diet lacking in raw sweet fruits, they turn to dense, dehydrated foods to satisfy their caloric intake. Ingredients like dried nuts and fruit are commonplace in the mainstream raw diet.

A huge problem with eating these foods so often is that all or most of the water has been removed. This results in a dry and sticky consistency, just perfect for clinging to your teeth.

Unless you brush your teeth all day, you will constantly have bits of dried, sugary food on your teeth. This creates a haven for bacteria, the result of which can be tooth decay.

Which brings me to my second point...

#2: Raw foodists lack a good dental care system

Many raw foodists believe that following a raw food diet means that you do not have to brush your teeth. Monkeys and other primates do not brush their teeth so why should we?

No matter what kind of diet you eat, whether it's SAD or low fat raw, you *must* brush your teeth. You will still get food particles stuck in all the little crevasses and you will still get some plaque residue on your teeth regardless of what diet you consume.

If you don't want to end up in an uncomfortable dentist chair with an empty wallet, it is imperative that you develop a good dental care system.

What is a good dental care system?

All you need to maintain clean, strong, healthy teeth is a soft toothbrush and some dental floss.

For the toothbrush, I recommend a battery-operated model. I have found that the bristles used are exceptionally soft and the rotating head does an excellent job of cleaning your teeth. Mine is rechargeable and cost about $30.

For the floss, I recommend any flavorless brand. Just be gentle. Flossing too hard can actually wear away your gums!

The method I use is very simple as well. I brush my teeth twice a day, morning and night, for about 3 minutes each. I usually floss only in the evening, if I think some food has decided to live between my teeth.

I do not recommend any toothpaste. It is unnecessary as water works just fine. Plus, most toothpastes contain harmful fluoride. Even natural toothpastes contain useless and even toxic substances and can prevent re-mineralization of the tooth enamel from occurring.

Combine this simple routine with a healthy raw vegan diet and reap the rewards of healthy teeth!

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit http://www.fitonraw.com and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Swayze_Foster

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Raw Food Diet - The Pros, the Cons, the Controversy
By Perry Ahlgrimm Platinum Quality Author

The relationship between you and your protection dog is mutually beneficial. Dogs have a strong desire to please their handler and true protection dogs also possess a natural desire to defend. In return, your dog is rewarded with the stable and balanced household that you provide as well as regular praise that lets the dog know he or she is making you happy. CCK9's unique method of training focuses on this dynamic, therefore eliminating the need to use toys, tugs, or food as a reward (it also eliminates the use of shock collars and other unnecessary means of force).

As handler and guardian, you are responsible for ensuring the optimal health of your protection dog; the diet you feed your dog is an integral part of providing a balanced environment. I'm often consulted regarding my opinion on which diet to choose. Hands down, I'm a fan of the excellent- but controversial-raw food diet. We feed all of our dogs at Command Control Canine LTD a diet that consists of at least 70-80% raw meat (beef, turkey, duck, venison, lamb). Egg is also a protein source.

My preference is to switch the types of raw meat used every few days in order to vary the fat content as well as keep our dogs stimulated. Bones, fed raw and with some meat on it, are given several times a week. The other 20-30% of the diet consists of fruits and vegetables. Onions, mushrooms or tomatoes should not be used. When starting the diet, keep an eye on any gastrointestinal problems your dog may have and try to eliminate trigger foods. On top of this, I like to add in about 2000 mg of fish oil supplements.

When preparing the food, be sure to massage it with your hands in order to get your scent on it. It is just one more reminder that the leader is the supplier of the meal and serves to maintain the respect that the dog has for you. In the wild, wolf pack leaders will eat first and then the rest of the pack will finish. The pack is used to tasting the leader's saliva on their food. For this reason one of our clients swears by spitting in her dog's food daily. We don't do it but it's an interesting theory.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the raw food diet. That the diet may not be balanced or increases the risk of introducing germs or infection tops the list. I have not had this experience but one tip I can offer is that I deep-freeze our meat for a period of time before thawing it for preparation. Also, we prepare large batches and freeze them until right before use. The benefits of the diet outweigh the risks and allow the dogs to eat a diet that they have been feeding on for billions of years.

There are commercial foods that attempt to mimic the raw food diet. For the most part, my suggestion is to create your own meals. It may cost slightly more than commercial dog food but your protection dog is a long-term investment. The dividends- the security of you and your family- are well worth the extra cost.

Perry Ahlgrimm, CEO
Command Control K9 Ltd
1.866.865.2259 (CCK9)

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
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Why the Raw Food Diet?

By Alison H Andrews

So why the raw food diet? One of the best explanations I've heard for why we should eat raw, living foods is because they are LIVING! They are actually still alive, their nutrients and enzymes are 100% intact.

If you take fruit for example and put it in your fruit bowl and ignore it for a few days, it will continue to ripen until it spoils. If you take that same fruit and stew it with some sugar, will it continue to ripen? Of course not! But why? Because it is dead. Cooking food effectively kills it.

There are plenty of arguments that cooking expresses certain nutrients that would not otherwise be available and that is true. But for every one nutrient that is expressed through cooking, 10 000 are destroyed! I prefer to lose one rather than 10 000, wouldn't you?

Cooking is one of the most nutritionally damaging things we can do to food, and for what? Without artificially spicing and salting it to high heaven, it's pretty bland. Okay I'm sure the arguments will come thick and fast about how delicious various dishes are, but the truth is, you educate your taste buds about what to like.

If you are accustomed to eating salty spicy food, then natural raw foods taste bland. But if you eat lots of whole, raw, natural foods you come to appreciate the natural flavors of the food even more!

If you eat whole, fresh, ripe, raw foods, digestion is quick and easy, which frees your body from the process of complex digestion which then gives YOU more energy. The concept of needing to have a snooze after a meal becomes a distant memory on the raw food diet.

That sluggish feeling you get after a heavy meal occurs because your body needs to focus all its energy on the task at hand; breaking down this complex cooked meal into the amino acids and sugars that it can actually utilize. Raw fruits and plants contain these sugars and amino acids in their simplest form so they require very little work before they can be utilized by the body. They are the perfect ENERGY food.

Beauty is another answer to the question of why the raw food diet. Eating raw food will allow you to sculpt the most beautiful you. Whether you won the genetic lottery or not, your true beauty is likely hiding away under puffiness, blotches, acne, cellulite, excess weight, eye bags, wrinkles, varicose veins, broken blood vessels and bloodshot cloudy eyes. Even if you're still young enough not to have begun to show the degeneration of your body, internally that is exactly what is happening. Wouldn't you prefer to be regenerating?

With the raw food diet you give your body the chance to clear out years of accumulated junk, all those toxins that have been tucked away in your fat cells, in your eye bags, your acne and your blotches. As those toxins clear out, your most beautiful self will be given the chance to shine.

But its not just physical! The physical part is just a happy side effect. Another compelling reason for why the raw food diet is the mental clarity and spiritual connectedness you feel. Your memory will improve, along with your concentration and focus.

Since I have gone raw I have made the most life changing decisions effortlessly. I feel so much more in touch with who I truly am and I can no longer do anything BUT live congruently. I must be who I truly am and I must follow my heart. My intuition is growing stronger by the day and I am beginning to feel so in touch! In touch with myself and in tune with my intuition and my life's purpose. This is the most amazing thing of all.

So why the raw food diet? Why the hell not!

Alison Andrews is a full time author, blogger, vlogger and musician. She is also the author of the book Desperately Seeking Jude: Confessions of a Sex-Mad Beauty Queen. She lives in Dubai with her husband Jaye, and spends her time creating content for her websites http://www.loving-it-raw.com/index.html and http://www.alison-andrews.com/index.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alison_H_Andrews

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
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and Reclaiming Your Health

Frederic Patanaude Shares on Raw Food Motivations and Mentors
By Kevin Gianni Platinum Quality Author

In this article, Frederic Patanaude shares on raw food motivations and mentors. Frederic Patanaude has been on a raw food journey for thirteen years. He is the author of The Raw Secrets.

Kevin: Well Frederic I want to welcome you to this program, I'm excited to have you here.

Frederic: I'm happy to be here.

Kevin: So let's start, for those who've never seen you or heard of you before, tell us who you are and how you got into this.

Frederic: All right, well I got into raw foods and the natural health movement about 10 years ago. I started in 1996 experimenting with it.. I'm 32 now. I was pretty young when I
started. I published a magazine for many years called "Just Eat an Apple." It was the first
professional thing I did in this movement. Then I did a lot of books, recipe books, that I published and then in the last four to five years I have been doing online projects exclusively. So I have been doing a lot of program courses.

Kevin: Tell me about, in the beginning I know you had some struggles with raw food, you just didn't get into it and then it was awesome for you and ongoing.. Tell us a little about some things you learned throughout those beginning years.

Frederic: It was very different back then. When I started the Internet was just getting started so we didn't have people like you, sharing a lot of great information. It was more difficult to just get the information. And what I found is that the information that I got at first was not complete, it had serious pieces missing. And I would say the first four or five years I experimented with the diet and at some point I went 100% percent raw for several years in a row and I was not getting the results. Now I can totally understand why, in retrospect looking at what I did, it's very clear what didn't work. But at the time I had no clue and there was no way to know. I couldn't find the right information. And unfortunately the people at the time that were leaders in the movement didn't have it all down to a science, it wasn't that clear. It was more empirical, based on experience, but that's often misleading. So I had some problems. I still experimented with it over the years till I found a way to do it. Up to recently I was still doing some experimenting and now I'm pretty sure I got it right.

Kevin: What have you been doing now that you feel was missing, even through the past 10 years? Why are you confident now that it's really right for you?

Frederic: Well the main difference I guess is my motivation, the source of my motivation. That's really important because changing your diet is something big, you do it for a reason, and the reason I had was more philosophical. It made sense to me but I was 21, so I didn't have many health problems and I didn't have good reason to do it. Since I turned 30 I became more interested in improving my fitness, because I see other people around me you know that are the same age that are starting to decline, their health is starting to decline. I don't want to go down the same path. I'm not just talking about raw foods here I'm talking about the general program including fitness, which is something that I didn't include enough in my program.

Another reason was, I think the biggest reason probably was just that I was not eating enough calories. That's quite stupid, but it's very simple to understand when you're 22 you need to eat a lot of calories. And when you're 30 or 40 and you're really active, you need to eat a lot of calories. You're not going to get that from a breakfast of three apples. So that's something I didn't understand because I didn't fully analyze the diet. That's been a huge difference.

Kevin: What turned you on to the caloric intake? Were you feeling worn out? Were you feeling tired? You said you got to do something here and you searched around for the answer or...?

Frederic: I never had enough energy, so I always reverted back to cooked foods. I always reverted back to other foods or massive quantities of fat or massive quantities of nuts, like a lot people. I think a lot of people are beating themselves because they have cravings. What I found is if eat enough fruits and vegetables I'm not going to have cravings because I'm getting enough. So when you have a craving it's just your body telling you you're not eating enough. I mean there's also other types of psychological cravings where you would want to have a certain food because it reminds you of something, or you want to be part of a social environment. That's different, it's not like physical where you feel compelled to eat it, like where you can't resist. If you can't resist eating the food then obviously you're not getting enough nutrition. People look in the wrong places when it comes to nutrition. They look at, "I'm not getting enough of this nutrient or this vitamin." It's not the little things that are missing it's just the calories. So that's been a huge breakthrough for me.

Kevin: The book "Raw Secrets," I love the book "Raw Secrets," and I think the reason why is because it seems like it's spoken from someone who one, cares about the reader, and then two, you've done a lot of research. And you've done research with reading into Herbert Shelton, and TC Fry. What do you think is the good stuff from those authors?

Frederic: Referring to Herbert Shelton, especially Herbert Shelton, TC Fry and the early authors, I think the good thing about them is they had a more complete picture of health than many current authors who focus specifically on one thing, like they're going to focus specifically on raw foods, without changing the entire paradigm behind the model that we use to judge if something is good or not.

So for example, a lot of people are still in the medical model. For example for diet, all medical diets for weight loss are always the same. It's always a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. No other variation of the diet, it's always the same - Atkins, it's just the ratio that varies. You look at the South Beach Diet, all these different weight loss diets, they're always the same. It's the medical model for weight loss which is force your body to consume less calories by consuming high protein foods which are detrimental in the end to your health, in high quantities. But it works for weight loss. So that's always been the model.

So this is one example in diet, but there's other examples in terms of if you're asking yourself whether you should take a certain supplement or if you should use a certain drug. You know, some instances call for the use of technology and even drugs. But how are you going to judge that? I think that's what these authors offered us, a better understanding of the fundamental principles in self-healing and how the body works, and how nature works. That's what they brought us, this understanding, these basic principles which I find are not often emphasized in the raw food movement.

Kevin: Yeah, now you spent time with, doing program with Dr. Doug Graham.
I love a lot of the stuff he puts out. What was your experience with that? And what were some of the things that you learned from him as a mentor?

Frederic: Yeah, well I definitely have high esteem for Dr. Graham and what he's bringing to the raw food movement. And I think it goes back to what we were saying about the basic principles and this understanding of health. He has a bigger understanding, a wider understanding of health, and all of its aspects, not just diet, not just raw foods, but also, you know, how's your sleep, how's your fitness program.

Especially about fitness, I'm one of those people that was never really fit in my life. I actually was not very sporty in school and I hated exercise, and I was more the brainy type. I've changed that and I've started doing more exercise and improved my fitness and I learned a lot from Dr. Graham in that regard. So that's been a very important part of improving my health.

And also I think, definitely what he brought to the movement is a better understanding of the nutrition aspect the raw food diet, because if you look at it from strictly an academic perspective, some of the raw food diets just are not healthy, you know. [laughter] And it doesn't matter if it's raw or cooked, you have to look at, are you getting enough calories? How much fat are you getting? How much salt are you getting? And, these things are, we don't need that much research to prove that, the research has already been done.

Kevin: What does raw food mean to you? When someone says, "Oh, you're a raw foodist," what does that mean?

Frederic: Well, the word raw I think is important to define too, and the problem I think is people have used this word in scientific perspective, where they'll say, "Raw is when you heat a food below a certain number of Fahrenheit degrees, like 105 or 118." And there's like this magic number and if you go above that then it's no longer raw. But to me raw foods are just foods in their natural state, so fruits and vegetables in their natural state. Of course we can make some compromises and say, "OK maybe you can dehydrate a nut and still it can be a part of the program," but we're talking about foods that are in their natural state. It's pretty easy to know which ones are and which ones are not, you know? So that's the definition of raw.

In terms of the definition of raw foodists, it's a term that I don't particularly like, but I guess to me it would be someone that eats 100% raw food is a raw foodist, but then, you can eat 100% raw food for a day and are you a raw foodist then? So, if you make an exception once, does that count? So, that term is not important. You want to look for improving your health and using raw foods is one way, and eating all raw is certainly something that I recommend and I try to do. So the definition can be very different from one person to the next.

Kevin Gianni the host of "Renegade Health Show" - a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. His is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. He has helped thousands and thousands of people in over 21 countries though online health teleseminars about abundance, optimum health and longevity. He is also the creator and co-author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Gianni

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
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Free Raw Food Recipe - Best Blueberry Or Blackberry Pie Raw Recipe
By Helen Hecker Platinum Quality Author

If you're looking for a healthy alternative to cooked berry pies or even cooked desserts that are laden with unhealthy fats and sugars, why not try my live-food, free, easy, raw berry pie recipe. Many people are gradually making the switch from cooked desserts and cooked foods which are causing so many of our health problems today. It doesn't matter if you're a raw fooder or eat the standard American diet; you'll love this raw berry pie recipe and know that you're doing your body good in the process.

In fact making a raw berry pie does not require turning on the oven and can be made in virtually minutes. I have often timed myself and can make this pie in ten minutes or less if the ingredients are assembled. Equipment: food processor.

This is my own creation, one of many vegetarian, vegan and raw food recipes that I have developed and created over the past few years as a raw fooder - eating raw foods, having cured myself of breast cancer, fibromyalgia, arthritis and sinus infections along with many other ailments.

You can use the pie crust for dozens of other types of raw food recipes or live pies including raw or live apple pie. I've experimented with dozens of variations and tried various ingredients but I've found this raw blackberry or blueberry pie recipe is the best, fastest and easiest recipe to make. In fact if you're going to have company coming over you can whip this free raw food diet recipe up in no time.

Helen's Best Raw Berry Pie - the ingredients: 12 organic medjool dates, 1 cup raw pecans, 4 cups fresh or frozen blueberries, blackberries or boysenberries and 2 bananas.

For the crust put 1 cup of raw pecans in a food processor and grind until fine. Add 8 pitted organic medjool dates and process until mixed fairly well. Place into a 9-inch pie plate.

For the binder mix two bananas, 8 berries or so for color and 4 medjool dates in a food processor - use the same food processor - don't need to wash it. Remove to large bowl and carefully fold in 4 cups of fresh or frozen or partially frozen blueberries, boysenberries or blackberries. Spread berry-binder mixture on top of the crust. Decorate with boysenberries or blackberries around the edge of the pie. Refrigerate.

This live or raw berry pie is a family favorite and one I have served on many occasions to company who are not aware they are eating something healthy containing all the vibrant nutrients - nothing cooked out.

This pie is really good with boysenberries too. You can also slice some fresh kiwi on the top or other fruits that won't turn color.

One nice thing to know about fixing any raw food recipe is that you can eliminate, substitute or add ingredients easily and it will still taste delicious! In this vegan or raw food diet recipe - you may only have one banana on hand for example or you can make half the recipe. You can substitute the pecans for a mixture of one half cup pecans and one half cup walnuts, or all walnuts.

If you live in an area where you have tons of wild blackberries you can make this pie for pennies. Pick blueberries cheaply in the summer and freeze them for year-round use, although fresh berries are always the best. You can make raw berry pies with this free raw food recipe year-round and you'll feel good too knowing you have served your friends and family something that will help them better their health and help them lose weight if they need to too.

For my raw food diet cure and secrets - how I used it to help cure my breast cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, acid reflux-digestive, sleep issues, headaches, pain, weight loss, etc. see a nurse/raw food expert's http://www.RawFoodDietCure.com and my easy raw food recipes http://www.RecipesRaw.com

Monday, July 27, 2009

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss

The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
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The Benefits of Raw Food Diet For Cancer Patients

By Randolph Meresmaa Platinum Quality Author

There has been a lot of talk about raw foods help beat various diseases such as cancer. Such treatments make the immune system stronger, a lot of raw foods contain nutrients that destroy cancer etc. But before we get into all of that, it is important to understand what a "raw diet" exactly is.

The term "raw food" means the food is eaten without cooking and a "raw food" diet for cancer is a vegeterian type diet. The vegetables and fruits that are consumed are known to destroy cancer directly or indirectly. The foods that are in the cancer "raw food" diet are not random uncooked foods, they are carefully selected to fight against cancer specifically.

A lot of foods contain very important enzymes and cooking the food can destroy 100% of the enzymes. Cooked food does not contain as much nutrients as raw foods. Of course some vegetables are better to be eaten cooked like green beans and peas but generally it is better to consume raw foods not broiled, boiled or cooked.

Juicing vegetables and fruits makes the nutrients of the foods more digestible for the body, so more essential nutrients are extracted from the fruits or vegetables with much less of the obstructing fibers. You can also consume a lot more fruits and vegetables in a much shorter period with juicing.

As I mentioned before not all fruits and vegetables have the ability to treat cancer. If your goal is to cure cancer then your diet has to consist of massive amounts of the best cancer-killing nutrients. Just eating random fruits and vegetables is far less effective than eating carefully selected foods.

If you want a cancer-killing vegetable juice then your juice has to contain these ingredients: carrots (carrots may be the best cancer-fighting vegetable of all), broccoli. cabbage, red beets, green asparagus, cauliflower, beet tops etc. By the way pepper also has some cancer fighting substances. Consuming refined flour products, milk, milk products and meat should be stopped.

Over 350 non-toxic natural and alternative treatments that have helped thousands of people beat their cancer. Over 2,000 testimonials! Success rates for surgery, chemo and radiation revealed! Free information on financial and other help available. Download this set of 4 e-Books and Reports NOW. It could save your life. http://naturalcancertreatmentsthatwork.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Randolph_Meresmaa

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
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Why the Raw Food Diet?
By Alison H Andrews

So why the raw food diet? One of the best explanations I've heard for why we should eat raw, living foods is because they are LIVING! They are actually still alive, their nutrients and enzymes are 100% intact.

If you take fruit for example and put it in your fruit bowl and ignore it for a few days, it will continue to ripen until it spoils. If you take that same fruit and stew it with some sugar, will it continue to ripen? Of course not! But why? Because it is dead. Cooking food effectively kills it.

There are plenty of arguments that cooking expresses certain nutrients that would not otherwise be available and that is true. But for every one nutrient that is expressed through cooking, 10 000 are destroyed! I prefer to lose one rather than 10 000, wouldn't you?

Cooking is one of the most nutritionally damaging things we can do to food, and for what? Without artificially spicing and salting it to high heaven, it's pretty bland. Okay I'm sure the arguments will come thick and fast about how delicious various dishes are, but the truth is, you educate your taste buds about what to like.

If you are accustomed to eating salty spicy food, then natural raw foods taste bland. But if you eat lots of whole, raw, natural foods you come to appreciate the natural flavors of the food even more!

If you eat whole, fresh, ripe, raw foods, digestion is quick and easy, which frees your body from the process of complex digestion which then gives YOU more energy. The concept of needing to have a snooze after a meal becomes a distant memory on the raw food diet.

That sluggish feeling you get after a heavy meal occurs because your body needs to focus all its energy on the task at hand; breaking down this complex cooked meal into the amino acids and sugars that it can actually utilize. Raw fruits and plants contain these sugars and amino acids in their simplest form so they require very little work before they can be utilized by the body. They are the perfect ENERGY food.

Beauty is another answer to the question of why the raw food diet. Eating raw food will allow you to sculpt the most beautiful you. Whether you won the genetic lottery or not, your true beauty is likely hiding away under puffiness, blotches, acne, cellulite, excess weight, eye bags, wrinkles, varicose veins, broken blood vessels and bloodshot cloudy eyes. Even if you're still young enough not to have begun to show the degeneration of your body, internally that is exactly what is happening. Wouldn't you prefer to be regenerating?

With the raw food diet you give your body the chance to clear out years of accumulated junk, all those toxins that have been tucked away in your fat cells, in your eye bags, your acne and your blotches. As those toxins clear out, your most beautiful self will be given the chance to shine.

But its not just physical! The physical part is just a happy side effect. Another compelling reason for why the raw food diet is the mental clarity and spiritual connectedness you feel. Your memory will improve, along with your concentration and focus.

Since I have gone raw I have made the most life changing decisions effortlessly. I feel so much more in touch with who I truly am and I can no longer do anything BUT live congruently. I must be who I truly am and I must follow my heart. My intuition is growing stronger by the day and I am beginning to feel so in touch! In touch with myself and in tune with my intuition and my life's purpose. This is the most amazing thing of all.

So why the raw food diet? Why the hell not!

Alison Andrews is a full time author, blogger, vlogger and musician. She is also the author of the book Desperately Seeking Jude: Confessions of a Sex-Mad Beauty Queen. She lives in Dubai with her husband Jaye, and spends her time creating content for her websites http://www.loving-it-raw.com/index.html and http://www.alison-andrews.com/index.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alison_H_Andrews

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
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Why It's Easier Than Ever to Do Raw Right!
By Swayze Foster Platinum Quality Author

I feel so old...Did I get your attention? Actually, I feel great! What I mean to say is that I've been involved in the raw food movement for almost two years now. While that may not seem like a very long time, I have seen some amazing changes take place. Changes that make it easier than ever to do raw right.

Back in *my* day...

When I went raw back in 2007, there were only a few raw sources promoting a healthy high fruit, low fat raw vegan diet. People like Dr. Douglas Graham, Frederic Patenaude, and Roger Haeske. At the time, I was dabbling in the high fat raw food diet. However, I really was not comfortable with all the fat I was eating (something like 600-800 calories from fat a day). Plus, I was spending hours in the kitchen making complicated recipes that barely filled me up!

So I started looking for alternative raw methods on Amazon. By some stroke of luck, I quickly came across Frederic Patenaude's book 'The Raw Secrets'. I ordered it pretty much right away, even though I had never heard of Frederic or this book before. Honestly, I just thought the cover was pretty and the title was intriguing!

Needless to say, the book totally blew me away. It completely changed my way of thinking about nutrition and health in general. So I was immediately inspired to try a high fruit raw food diet. After experiencing awesome benefits in just a few days, I knew I had found the best diet in the world. By some stroke of luck, I had discovered the "Holy Grail" of diet plans and there was no turning back for me. And so, here I am.

What has changed

In less than two years, the raw food movement has exploded. It seems that there are new raw sites and forums popping up everyday! Because of this, it is now so much easier for anyone to discover how to go raw and apply that knowledge in his or her own life. All you need is an internet connection and a few spare minutes!

More importantly, the high fruit raw way has grown substantially. There are many more people promoting this way of eating than ever before. For instance, there is now a low fat raw vegan specific forum called 30 Bananas a Day. It has over 1000 members and is just as active as many of the mainstream raw sites! It really is a great forum. Even some of the mainstream raw forums now have sections specifically for low fat raw supporters.

*Most* importantly, the sentiment towards low fat raw vegans has changed as well. I no longer find as many people shrugging off eating simply. In fact, I see many people questioning the high fat way and experimenting with a high fruit raw diet! It's pretty cool.

Why have things changed?

I think these profound changes within the raw food movement have come about simply because people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Let me put it this way. Pretend you are told that a raw food diet full of nuts, oils, and superfoods is the absolute best diet and that you will experience utter joy and elation from eating this way. Who can resist? So you give it a try. It's been months and what have been your results? Severe cravings. Tooth decay. Chronic fatigue. On and on...

Enough is Enough!

I think people are finally starting to realize that it isn't about dogmatism. It isn't about appeasing the raw food "gurus." It isn't about raw food for raw food's sake. It's about results. People aren't getting the results they expected from the mainstream raw food movement and so they are looking elsewhere. Where else is there to go? Why, the fruity side, of course!

What this means for you

The greatest thing about this change within the raw food movement is that beginning low fat raw foodists (like you, perhaps) now have ample amount of support available to them.

This support comes in the form of forums, like 30 Bananas a Day, and Gone Raw.

There are free raw forum challenges held almost every month that provide great motivation and encourage community relationships. I actually hosted a 30 day challenge back in May on a raw vegan fitness forum (unfortunately, I did not own the site and the domain registration expired) and it was great to see all the motivation and encouragement from people on the board.

There are numerous low fat raw blogs providing useful, down-to-earth raw experiences and information...kind of like this one! More and more long-term raw foodists are offering invaluable one-on-one consultation services. There are numerous high-quality e-books and recipe books available that target a low fat raw audience.

*Whew* That's a lot!

So if you've been waiting to go raw the *right* way, now is the time to do it. With all the community support available, you really have no excuse not to!

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit http://www.fitonraw.com and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss

The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

How a Raw Food Diet For Dogs Stops Health Problems Period

By Dan J Scott Platinum Quality Author

There are very few things that make sense in the world but a raw food diet for dogs is a concept that definitely makes sense from top to bottom. It is common knowledge what a lousy diet will do to the human body and many are finding that the same is true for our canine companions. The regular consumption of a nutrition source that is anything but wholesome means a dog's health will eventually fall into decline and even into a state of disease. Whether bagged or canned, the chemical laden commercial dog foods that most pets eat will often lead to a build up of toxins and the depletion of necessary vitamins and minerals. This means a canine's various systems have little or no way to restore themselves from daily wear and tear.

In addition to additives from the cooking process of rendered pet food, there are other dangers lurking as well. It has been found that dead, diseased, disabled and dying animals utilized for pet foods can leave a deadly chemical footprint. Dr. Wendell O. Bellfield DVM has stated that, "Some of these dead pets -- those euthanized by veterinarians -- already contain pentobarbital before treatment with the denaturing process. According to University of Minnesota researchers, the sodium pentobarbital used to euthanize pets "survives rendering without undergoing degradation."

This means whether maladies show up in the eyes, kidneys or skin, pets are being dosed up with even more chemicals despite an already polluted system. Even with a slight improvement in the dog's condition, the toxins will still have no place to go thereby causing another allergy flare up or what is seen as a relapse. This often frustrates dog owners to no end who misguidedly allow their dog to be given an even higher dosage of medication. With no special additives, preservatives or chemicals, a raw food diet for dogs detoxes a battered system, slowly ridding it of hurtful additives.

The only way to get a suffering dog well is to give it what it truly needs. The enzymes in a raw food diet for dogs are what transports nutrients to different organ systems to begin repair. The diet is essentially not only food but a natural medicine every carnivore's system has been built around for millions of years. With the proper nutrients to restore nerve cells, skin, hair and eyes, it is easy to see a remarkable transformation in a sick dog in a matter of weeks. Not only do their physical features become healthier looking, their temperament improves as well. It is not uncommon for a dog owner to see a vitality they didn't even know existed in their furry friend.

With the regular use of a raw food diet for dogs, a canine system can finally get the nutrients it has been craving. The dog's system will know exactly how to assimilate all the necessary vitamins and minerals from not only meats and tissues but skin, bone and cartilage. Over a period of weeks, the last of the trapped chemicals will be excreted through the skin and waste. With nothing left to aggravate and damage the dog's systems, the immune system can be restored to its original balance. Diarrhea, ear infections, arthritis, periodontal problems, anal gland blockages, hotspots and many other signs of sickness up and disappear rarely if ever to be heard from ever again.

Dan Scott author of "Real Food for Dogs" has lived, trained, studied, worked and very much loved dogs for over 43 years. His burning passion for Canine Nutrition - "what your dog eats" through research and practice of natural diets for dogs is helping people the world over to have a healthy dog for life.

For a wealth of information and videos go to http://healthydogforlife.com/blog and sign up for the free controversial report.

(c) Copyright - Dan Scott. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_J_Scott

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
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and Reclaiming Your Health

The Truth About a High Fat Raw Food Diet
By Swayze Foster Platinum Quality Author

What if I came to you and said,

"I have the absolute best diet in the world. You will lose weight, you will have more energy, and you will prevent and even reverse any and all diseases. AND you get to eat 60% OR MORE of your calories from fat!"

You would probably a) laugh in my face, b) turn and run, or c) ask if I was a raw foodist.

That's right, folks. The average raw foodist eats 60% of his or her calories from fat! That's over HALF of one's daily calories, all from fat!

Are you surprised? I know I sure was when I went raw. I could not believe that there were people actually promoting a high fat diet when all the evidence for a healthy diet pointed to the exact opposite!

So why are so many raw foodists eating so much fatty foods? What it boils down to is the "If It's Raw, It's Healthy" fallacy.

If It's Raw, It's Healthy

Many raw foodists will argue that raw fats are much healthier than cooked fats and do not result in such problems as heart disease and atherosclerosis. As long as it's raw, you can eat as much avocado, nuts, and seeds as you want.

Yes, it's true that raw fats are much better than cooked fats. Cooked fatty foods have had the majority of the water removed and many necessary micronutrients along with that water (not to mention all the nutrients that are destroyed by the heat alone).

Once fats are cooked, they quickly go rancid and produce harmful carcinogens. The more oxygen that these foods come into contact with, the more rancid they become and the more dangerous carcinogens they produce.

The Problem With Too Much Fat

However, eating an excess of either cooked or raw fats produces a host of problems for the consumer:

#1: Fat takes a long time to digest and it remains in the bloodstream for a long time. When too much fat is consumed, the excess fat in the bloodstream interferes with insulin production from the pancreas. Under normal circumstances, the insulin would attach itself to sugar molecules within the blood in order to carry them to the cells. With the fat in the way, the insulin does not reach the sugar. The pancreas becomes fatigued from producing extra insulin. The blood-sugar level becomes elevated because the sugar cannot be transported out of the blood by the insulin. As you can see, sugar metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes and Candida are not caused by a lack of insulin or too much sugar. They can be directly linked to an excess of fat.

#2: An excess of fat in the body slows down digestion of other foods that are eaten. Fruit, which normally takes minutes to digest, now has time to ferment inside the body. This results in uncomfortable bloating and gas.

#3: Too much fat in the bloodstream also interferes with the red blood cells' ability to transport oxygen. A low oxygenated body is a perfect environment for cancer cells to thrive.

#4: Excess fat consumption is linked to numerous physical and mental ailments, such as:

  • Heart disease
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Breast cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Candida
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Anemia
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Bipolar Disorder

How Much Fat?

Dr. Graham, author of The 80/10/10 Diet and a leader within the raw food movement, advocates a diet of 10% fat or less. Personally, this is the guideline that I follow and recommend as well. Anymore fat than this and it is likely that you are not consuming enough simple carbohydrates in the form of fruit.

10% of calories from fat is surprising to many people. However, many reputable sources (including the world-renowned Pritikin Center) recommend that only 10-15% of calories come from fat.

Many people around the world eat diets low in fat. In The China Study, the longest nutritional study ever conducted, Dr. Campbell studies people living in rural China who eat as low as 6% of calories from fat!

It is not surprising that in these areas you find much lower rates of heart disease, atherosclerosis, breast cancer, etc. compared to more industrialized places like the US and Britain.

On most days, I do not eat any overt fats and on those days I average about 5% of my calories from fat. I've never experienced any adverse reactions from limiting my fat intake.

In fact, I have only experienced great benefits since limiting fat, such as weight loss, increased energy, deeper sleep, mental focus, and improved digestion.

Take Action!

You can take action right now by simply limiting your consumption of fatty foods to 15% or less. A good way to do this is to replace these foods with high-calorie, low-fat sweet fruits.

For instance, if you usually eat avocados with your greens, try peaches sliced up on top instead. You can even make completely fat-free dressings from fruits and veggies. Here is a personal favorite of mine:

*Tangy Tomato Dressing*

  • 2 cups of pineapple
  • 1 cup of tomatoes
  • 1 cup of cucumber

Blend all of the ingredients together.

The best way to track your fat consumption is to use www.nutridiary.com. There are many more sites that allow you to track your calories, but this is the site I recommend. It is easy to use and easy on the eyes. :)

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit http://www.fitonraw.com and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Swayze_Foster

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Does the Raw Food Diet Work? Find Out If the Raw Food Diet Works For Weight Loss and Health!
By Claudia Ohst Platinum Quality Author

If you are asking yourself "Does the raw food diet work?", you probably have heard about the numerous benefits of raw food diets. They range from better digestion, increased energy level, soft glowing skin, sound sleep, improved concentration, to a better immune system with less frequent colds and flus. And last but not least comes quick and easy weight loss combined with all these health benefits. If this all sounds to good to be true, it is no wonder that you might ask: Is this real? Does the raw food diet work? Or is this all just a big scam?

Well, I can put your mind at ease, the raw food diet does work! Raw foods really can work wonders in today's world of junk food with empty calories, that stimulate your appetite but are only of little if any nutritious value. Raw foods still contain their natural enzymes that are able to cleanse and heal your body.

How does the raw food diet work for health?
Here, one example is the Gerson Therapy which is an alternative therapy for patients with cancer or other degenerative diseases. Gerson Therapy apparently has cured thousands of patients and is based on the regular consumption of freshly squeezed vegetable juices which provide a super dose of enzymes, minerals and other vital nutrients.

When some people ask "Does the raw food diet work?", the better question should actually be: "Does a cooked food diet work?" The consequences of a diet consisting of cooked food with little nutritious value can not be better demonstrated as by the Pottenger Cat Study.

Dr Pottenger studied what effect heat was having on raw foods and fed two groups of cats different foods. The one group received raw milk and raw foods, while the other group was also been fed raw milk but cooked meat. The second group developed various health problems which were getting worse from generation to generation. The quote of stillborn kittens increased until in the forth generation reproduction was not successful any more.

Now, this study was conducted with cats and we are certainly different from cats, but it makes you think anyway. The nutritious value is definitely better with the raw foods and many people swear by it's health benefits.

Does the raw food diet work for weight loss?
Also, as a way to lose weight this is finally a diet regime that lets you shed your unwanted pounds in a healthy way. And this is really hard to find in today's world of quick fix solutions and diet pills. As fats and sugar are drastically reduced with raw foods, you can even expect fast weight loss!

Considering all of the above, the question might not be any more so much "Does the raw food diet work?" but rather "What can I eat on the raw food diet?" and "Am I able to stick to this kind of diet?" Changing to a a raw food diet is admittedly not so easy but well worth the while. And if you can't or don't want to go on 100% raw foods straight away, try to introduce more and more raw foods over time and develop your new healthy lifestyle slowly. This makes sure you don't give up on your diet too soon and you still can see your cravings disappear and the pounds start to come off.

If you want to learn more on healthy eating habits and techniques to stop cravings for food please visit my blog at http://dietonautopilot.com and receive the report "3 Shockingly Successful Methods to Stop Cravings" when subscribing to the newsletter.
Also read my article Changing to a Raw Food Diet
Author: Claudia Ohst

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss

The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Changing to a Raw Food Diet

By Claudia Ohst Platinum Quality Author

Changing to a raw food diet can be very challenging when you are not prepared properly. After the first two days on salads, raw vegetables and fruits you might start asking yourself: "What can I eat on the raw food diet?" Are you really confined to salads, vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts? So, changing to a raw food diet seems to be a fairly harsh transition at first, and it is not easy, but the benefits of such a lifestyle are clearly convincing.

Apart from loosing weight quickly and healthily, which is almost not possible with any other diet or even crash diet scheme, you are feeding your body vital nutrient. If you eat cooked foods, even cooked vegetables, most nutrients and phytochemicals have lost a good part of their activity.

Enzymes are getting inactivated by heat for example, but nevertheless they play a very important role not only in the digestion process. Experts say, that once there is a surplus of enzymes that are not needed for proper digestion, they actually start cleaning the body from inside. This is also why seriously ill people recover on raw foods, the enzymes simply digest the junk that is sitting inside you for years. One more reason for changing to a raw food diet!

Also, the high mineral content from vegetables of preferably organic origin and their natural chelation agents are able to detox your body. Heavy metals get washed out of your body which has an immediate strengthening effect on the immune system and your overall well being.

With all that said, often it is not so easy to changing to a raw food diet, although your health, body and mind benefits greatly. If your motivation is not so much acute or severe health trouble that can not wait, but rather a long term goal of health and healthy weight loss to achieve a lean body and to raise your energy levels, then a more gradual approach can be more promising.

Changing to a raw food diet can also be done as a step by step approach by implementing the right meals one at a time. Start with buying your own juicer machine and have a vegetable juice daily, then switch to having green salads for lunch and make sure you are having "5 a day" as many people struggle even with this simple concept. With only these few changes you are already ahead of the crowd and on your way to a healthy lean body!

In conclusion, if you are thinking of changing to a raw food diet, put a few of these changes into practice first and see if it is working for you. The health benefits are outstanding, and changing to a raw food diet for 2-3 weeks is one thing, but it is not an easy task to switch to a raw food diet as a lifestyle.

If you want to learn more on healthy eating habits and techniques to stop cravings for food please visit my blog at http://dietonautopilot.com and receive the report "3 Shockingly Successful Methods to Stop Cravings" when subscribing to the newsletter.
Also read my article How do you Maintain a Healthy Diet?
Author: Claudia Ohst

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Claudia_Ohst

Recommended Program
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Raw Food Diet Secret - How to Make Cucumber Mango Salsa! - Free Raw Recipe
By Helen Hecker Platinum Quality Author

Whether you're a raw foodist, on a partially raw food diet, raw food vegan, vegan, vegetarian or cooked food eater, this salsa recipe is one of the best I've served. If you're looking for a simple mango salsa recipe, I developed this basic mango salsa recipe and add cucumbers to it for a great twist. This healthy raw recipe is especially good if you have plenty of leftover cucumbers from your garden or containers and are looking for a good way to put them to use.

Salsa can be used in many ways with other foods or just serving it alone. Salsa is one of my favorite raw food recipes. I have served it many times as a side dish and as a topping on many raw food recipes. It can be used as a topping on nori rolls, flax crackers and a variety of raw food dishes, of course it can be used as an accompaniment to many cooked food recipes also.

For this recipe you can easily leave out the cucumber and serve as mango salsa. But the addition of the cucumber makes it a great dish. You can also try it with lemon cucumbers. Fresh mangoes are best, but it you're unable to get them, Trader Joe's stores among others carry frozen mango chunks and you can use them instead, thaw them first. It won't be quite as good though. Organic ingredients are always best so use them if you can.

Ingredients: cucumbers, mangoes, lime juice, orange juice, red onion, mint leaves are optional and sun-dried sea salt. Preparation time about 10 minutes. Equipment: mixing bowl, sharp knife for dicing and citrus juicer.

Use about half of an English cucumber or equivalent measure for other varieties. Finely dice it. Toss in a mixing bowl. Use 2 mangoes without the peels. I cut them by slicing off two sides around the pit and then cutting off the remaining parts. Finely dice the mangoes right in the peel and place in the bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lime juice and one-third cup freshly squeezed orange juice - about one half of an orange depending on the size but measure carefully. Finely chop a small red onion and add it to the bowl. Then if you have fresh mint leaves on hand use about half a bunch to your taste. Mint can be omitted. Add one-half teaspoon of sun-dried sea salt. Mix it all together. You want to make sure to have finely diced the cucumbers and mangoes.

Authentic Mexican salsa recipes usually use tomatoes, garlic, cilantro and chilies. But this sweet salsa mango works well with cucumbers and if you love a sweet salsa this is a good and healthy raw recipe to try whether you're on a raw food diet or not.

For my raw food diet cure and secrets - how I used it to help cure my breast cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, digestive & sleep issues, headaches, pain, weight loss, etc. see a nurse/raw food expert's http://www.RawFoodDietCure.com and my easy raw food recipes http://www.RecipesRaw.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Helen_Hecker

Recommended Program
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Raw Food Diet Testimonials - Get the Secrets of Having More Energy
By Marjorie Salada Platinum Quality Author

The internet is full of raw food diet testimonials and for good reason. The raw food diet is one of the healthiest diets that a person can follow. Not only will it get you to a healthy weight, it will help your body reduce its cravings for sugar and increase its energy level.

As much as we hate to admit it, a great many of the convenience foods that are consumed today are loaded with toxins from being processed. Most of us are used to eating these foods can tolerate the way they make us feel. But, we also realize that the closer you can get anything to its natural state, the better it is for our bodies and this is especially true of food.

The raw food diet is loaded with uncooked fruits and vegetables. It is the protein part of the diet that becomes tricky, since most of the food items high in protein are meats and dairy products. Tofu, nuts, seeds and beans are good sources of protein that are not meat or dairy products.

I don't consider this one of the easiest food plans to follow, but if you suffer from sugar cravings this is the diet for you. Even if you can follow this diet for 2-3 weeks to jump start your weight loss, you realize the benefits from eating raw foods. The experts say that they follow the raw food diet plan about 80% of the time. While the program is extremely healthy and you see marked improvement in your energy level and the way that feel, it is quite rigid when it comes to enjoying the foods that you love.

Personally, I feel that any weight loss plan that eliminates foods is setting you up for failure. Nobody wants to eliminate foods completely, especially if it a food that you enjoy.

Are you ready to change you life and lose 10, 20 or even 50 pounds? If you are ready to increase your energy and find a new way of living, the raw food diet can help you do all these things. You will see the benefits if you can stick with this food plan for just two weeks.

Discover how these controversial raw food secrets to losing weight, having more energy, looking younger, and reclaiming your health can get you out of the rut that many of us have been in for years. This diet is not complicated and does not take a great deal of preparation. Get started today and see how much better you will feel by tomorrow! There is nothing better than having the energy to get through the day and the temperament to deal with every situation that is handed to you. The raw food diet can help you reach these goals.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marjorie_Salada

Which Raw Food Diet Should You Choose?
By Swayze Foster Platinum Quality Author

My biggest problem when I first learned about raw back in 2007 stemmed from information overload. There was just so much advice out there about raw foods and so many different educators...all providing very different guidelines for living the raw lifestyle. And all I wanted to know was which raw diet was best and what I had to do to implement it!

Fortunately for me, I stumbled upon the healthiest diet of all rather quickly. Fortunately for you, I can explain what that diet is just as quickly, with 3 easy guidelines! So let's get started...

#1: Eat More Sweet Fruit

I want you to think back to a time when you ate some delicious fruit. Maybe it was an exotic mango, a perfect peach, or a juicy orange. Whatever it was, I'm sure it was scrumptious, sweet, and satisfying. And the best part? No guilt! In fact, you probably felt pretty happy with yourself for choosing such a healthful snack over greasy chips or fatty cookies. Now imagine experiencing that satisfaction, both with yourself and your food, every single day... Pretty sweet, huh? How can you experience this? By simply eating a diet based on raw, sweet fruit.

Fruit is full of water-soluble fiber, packed with essential vitamins and nutrients (not too mention the oh-so-popular antioxidants and phyto-nutrients), calorically dense and water-rich, and provides easy to digest healthy sugar in its simplest form.

#2: Don't Forget Your Veggies!

But it isn't all about the sweet stuff. A well-rounded, healthy raw diet also incorporates moderate amounts of mineral-rich vegetables. These include tender leafy greens like romaine and non-sweet fruits like tomatoes and zucchini. Not only do these foods provide some extra variety (and maybe a nice break from all the sweetness) in your diet, they also provide higher levels of necessary minerals than their fruity friends.

#3: Hold It On the Fat

Although many raw foodists eat and promote a fatty diet that rivals any standard cooked diet, this is *not* optimal. While raw overt fats like avocados and nuts are healthier than their cooked versions, too much fat in a diet still results in many health issues, including but not limited to heart disease, arthritis, and even depression.

This is certainly not the makings of the best raw diet. The best raw diet does contain these healthy raw fats, but in a limited quantity. For optimal nutrition, the bulk of your calories should come from low fat sweet fruit, not fat.

Final Words

So there you have it! The best raw diet, in a raw nutshell!

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit http://www.fitonraw.com and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.