Monday, July 27, 2009

Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss

The raw food diet is defined as diet with 75% of unprocessed and uncooked plant foods including all types fresh fruit,vegetables nuts and seeds in order to avoid heating (above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food), thereby, preventing the loss of vitamins and minerals and increasing the absorption of vital nutrients of the digestive system.Unfortunately, it is not for people with digestive disorder, since it increases the risks of diarrhoea and other symptoms of digestive system. People first time in the diet may find to have diarrhoea or loose stool and other digestive problem, but they will go aways in a few days.

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Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

The Benefits of Raw Food Diet For Cancer Patients

By Randolph Meresmaa Platinum Quality Author

There has been a lot of talk about raw foods help beat various diseases such as cancer. Such treatments make the immune system stronger, a lot of raw foods contain nutrients that destroy cancer etc. But before we get into all of that, it is important to understand what a "raw diet" exactly is.

The term "raw food" means the food is eaten without cooking and a "raw food" diet for cancer is a vegeterian type diet. The vegetables and fruits that are consumed are known to destroy cancer directly or indirectly. The foods that are in the cancer "raw food" diet are not random uncooked foods, they are carefully selected to fight against cancer specifically.

A lot of foods contain very important enzymes and cooking the food can destroy 100% of the enzymes. Cooked food does not contain as much nutrients as raw foods. Of course some vegetables are better to be eaten cooked like green beans and peas but generally it is better to consume raw foods not broiled, boiled or cooked.

Juicing vegetables and fruits makes the nutrients of the foods more digestible for the body, so more essential nutrients are extracted from the fruits or vegetables with much less of the obstructing fibers. You can also consume a lot more fruits and vegetables in a much shorter period with juicing.

As I mentioned before not all fruits and vegetables have the ability to treat cancer. If your goal is to cure cancer then your diet has to consist of massive amounts of the best cancer-killing nutrients. Just eating random fruits and vegetables is far less effective than eating carefully selected foods.

If you want a cancer-killing vegetable juice then your juice has to contain these ingredients: carrots (carrots may be the best cancer-fighting vegetable of all), broccoli. cabbage, red beets, green asparagus, cauliflower, beet tops etc. By the way pepper also has some cancer fighting substances. Consuming refined flour products, milk, milk products and meat should be stopped.

Over 350 non-toxic natural and alternative treatments that have helped thousands of people beat their cancer. Over 2,000 testimonials! Success rates for surgery, chemo and radiation revealed! Free information on financial and other help available. Download this set of 4 e-Books and Reports NOW. It could save your life.

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Recommended Program
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Why the Raw Food Diet?
By Alison H Andrews

So why the raw food diet? One of the best explanations I've heard for why we should eat raw, living foods is because they are LIVING! They are actually still alive, their nutrients and enzymes are 100% intact.

If you take fruit for example and put it in your fruit bowl and ignore it for a few days, it will continue to ripen until it spoils. If you take that same fruit and stew it with some sugar, will it continue to ripen? Of course not! But why? Because it is dead. Cooking food effectively kills it.

There are plenty of arguments that cooking expresses certain nutrients that would not otherwise be available and that is true. But for every one nutrient that is expressed through cooking, 10 000 are destroyed! I prefer to lose one rather than 10 000, wouldn't you?

Cooking is one of the most nutritionally damaging things we can do to food, and for what? Without artificially spicing and salting it to high heaven, it's pretty bland. Okay I'm sure the arguments will come thick and fast about how delicious various dishes are, but the truth is, you educate your taste buds about what to like.

If you are accustomed to eating salty spicy food, then natural raw foods taste bland. But if you eat lots of whole, raw, natural foods you come to appreciate the natural flavors of the food even more!

If you eat whole, fresh, ripe, raw foods, digestion is quick and easy, which frees your body from the process of complex digestion which then gives YOU more energy. The concept of needing to have a snooze after a meal becomes a distant memory on the raw food diet.

That sluggish feeling you get after a heavy meal occurs because your body needs to focus all its energy on the task at hand; breaking down this complex cooked meal into the amino acids and sugars that it can actually utilize. Raw fruits and plants contain these sugars and amino acids in their simplest form so they require very little work before they can be utilized by the body. They are the perfect ENERGY food.

Beauty is another answer to the question of why the raw food diet. Eating raw food will allow you to sculpt the most beautiful you. Whether you won the genetic lottery or not, your true beauty is likely hiding away under puffiness, blotches, acne, cellulite, excess weight, eye bags, wrinkles, varicose veins, broken blood vessels and bloodshot cloudy eyes. Even if you're still young enough not to have begun to show the degeneration of your body, internally that is exactly what is happening. Wouldn't you prefer to be regenerating?

With the raw food diet you give your body the chance to clear out years of accumulated junk, all those toxins that have been tucked away in your fat cells, in your eye bags, your acne and your blotches. As those toxins clear out, your most beautiful self will be given the chance to shine.

But its not just physical! The physical part is just a happy side effect. Another compelling reason for why the raw food diet is the mental clarity and spiritual connectedness you feel. Your memory will improve, along with your concentration and focus.

Since I have gone raw I have made the most life changing decisions effortlessly. I feel so much more in touch with who I truly am and I can no longer do anything BUT live congruently. I must be who I truly am and I must follow my heart. My intuition is growing stronger by the day and I am beginning to feel so in touch! In touch with myself and in tune with my intuition and my life's purpose. This is the most amazing thing of all.

So why the raw food diet? Why the hell not!

Alison Andrews is a full time author, blogger, vlogger and musician. She is also the author of the book Desperately Seeking Jude: Confessions of a Sex-Mad Beauty Queen. She lives in Dubai with her husband Jaye, and spends her time creating content for her websites and

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Recommended Program
Raw Food Diet For Weight Loss
Having More Energy, Looking Younger,
and Reclaiming Your Health

Why It's Easier Than Ever to Do Raw Right!
By Swayze Foster Platinum Quality Author

I feel so old...Did I get your attention? Actually, I feel great! What I mean to say is that I've been involved in the raw food movement for almost two years now. While that may not seem like a very long time, I have seen some amazing changes take place. Changes that make it easier than ever to do raw right.

Back in *my* day...

When I went raw back in 2007, there were only a few raw sources promoting a healthy high fruit, low fat raw vegan diet. People like Dr. Douglas Graham, Frederic Patenaude, and Roger Haeske. At the time, I was dabbling in the high fat raw food diet. However, I really was not comfortable with all the fat I was eating (something like 600-800 calories from fat a day). Plus, I was spending hours in the kitchen making complicated recipes that barely filled me up!

So I started looking for alternative raw methods on Amazon. By some stroke of luck, I quickly came across Frederic Patenaude's book 'The Raw Secrets'. I ordered it pretty much right away, even though I had never heard of Frederic or this book before. Honestly, I just thought the cover was pretty and the title was intriguing!

Needless to say, the book totally blew me away. It completely changed my way of thinking about nutrition and health in general. So I was immediately inspired to try a high fruit raw food diet. After experiencing awesome benefits in just a few days, I knew I had found the best diet in the world. By some stroke of luck, I had discovered the "Holy Grail" of diet plans and there was no turning back for me. And so, here I am.

What has changed

In less than two years, the raw food movement has exploded. It seems that there are new raw sites and forums popping up everyday! Because of this, it is now so much easier for anyone to discover how to go raw and apply that knowledge in his or her own life. All you need is an internet connection and a few spare minutes!

More importantly, the high fruit raw way has grown substantially. There are many more people promoting this way of eating than ever before. For instance, there is now a low fat raw vegan specific forum called 30 Bananas a Day. It has over 1000 members and is just as active as many of the mainstream raw sites! It really is a great forum. Even some of the mainstream raw forums now have sections specifically for low fat raw supporters.

*Most* importantly, the sentiment towards low fat raw vegans has changed as well. I no longer find as many people shrugging off eating simply. In fact, I see many people questioning the high fat way and experimenting with a high fruit raw diet! It's pretty cool.

Why have things changed?

I think these profound changes within the raw food movement have come about simply because people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Let me put it this way. Pretend you are told that a raw food diet full of nuts, oils, and superfoods is the absolute best diet and that you will experience utter joy and elation from eating this way. Who can resist? So you give it a try. It's been months and what have been your results? Severe cravings. Tooth decay. Chronic fatigue. On and on...

Enough is Enough!

I think people are finally starting to realize that it isn't about dogmatism. It isn't about appeasing the raw food "gurus." It isn't about raw food for raw food's sake. It's about results. People aren't getting the results they expected from the mainstream raw food movement and so they are looking elsewhere. Where else is there to go? Why, the fruity side, of course!

What this means for you

The greatest thing about this change within the raw food movement is that beginning low fat raw foodists (like you, perhaps) now have ample amount of support available to them.

This support comes in the form of forums, like 30 Bananas a Day, and Gone Raw.

There are free raw forum challenges held almost every month that provide great motivation and encourage community relationships. I actually hosted a 30 day challenge back in May on a raw vegan fitness forum (unfortunately, I did not own the site and the domain registration expired) and it was great to see all the motivation and encouragement from people on the board.

There are numerous low fat raw blogs providing useful, down-to-earth raw experiences and information...kind of like this one! More and more long-term raw foodists are offering invaluable one-on-one consultation services. There are numerous high-quality e-books and recipe books available that target a low fat raw audience.

*Whew* That's a lot!

So if you've been waiting to go raw the *right* way, now is the time to do it. With all the community support available, you really have no excuse not to!

For more information on the best raw vegan diet, be sure to visit and subscribe to Swayze's newsletter Peachy Keen Ezine. By subscribing, you will also receive the free report The 4 Principles of a Healthy Raw Diet as well as the 5-week mini-course The Fool Proof Transition to Raw.

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